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Choose the correct words to complete the text. Schools 'was were wasn't very different in the
19h century to today. Of course, they couldn't / wasn't /
weren't full of computers like they are today. Probably the
most important 'gadget' for a 19 century school child
was/ were / wasn't a slate - a blackboard the children
were / weren't I could write on
It was I could / were impossible for some children to go
to school. Why? Money. Poor families weren't I couldn't /
wasn't send their children to school. Instead these poor
children'weren't/ were / could workers in factories,
farms or rich people's houses.
But, it could / wasn't I couldn't all bad for poor children.
Some of them 'could / was / were go to Dame schools'.
These were / wasn't/ was schools in people's houses.
There was usually one teacher, often a woman. It
"'couldn't / were / wasn't easy for the teacher - her
house '2 wasn't I couldn't/ was full of noisy children!
She was I couldn't/ wasn't teach them a lot of things,
maybe only the alphabet and some numbers.
Life couldn't could / was different for rich children
Some children swas/ were / wasn't at boarding school.
Others 16 could / wasn't/ were have their lessons at
home with a tutor

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24.04.2023 22:28

Dnipro is the leading business, industrial, scientific and cultural center of Southeastern Ukraine.

 I really like the city, it is very beautiful, cozy and diverse with museums, fountains, very beautiful churches, theaters, parks and playgrounds. For example: Bridge City, Passage, Caravan, Our Truth, Babylon and many more. The history of Dnepropetrovsk is very rich. From time immemorial, the area where Dnepropetrovsk is now located has had ancient settlements since the Paleolithic times. After the formation of Zaporizhzhya Sich in the XVI century, these lands became actively populated, here began to appear villages, farms and cities. The most famous city of the first half of the 16th century was the city of Samar, the old name of Samar, which was located on the outskirts of the present village of Shevchenko at the mouth of the Samara River. Later, the Cossacks built the new town of Novy Kaydak, and where Samar used to be, in 1688 built the Bogorodetsky Fortress. In 1775, the Zaporozhye Cossacks were liquidated and its territory divided between the two provinces of Azov and Novorossiysk. In 1776 Catherine the Second founded the center of the Azov province, which was called Ekaterinoslav. The new town on the River Kilchen did not last long, in terms of geology it was a bad location. Only in 1784, on January 22, the second Katerynoslav was founded near the Dnieper River, it was originally planned that the city would become the "Third Capital of Russia". During the visit of Catherine, in May 1787, the city officially became known as Catherine. However, the location of the new city was also unsuccessful, with difficulties in water supply, so the city center moved west down to the Dnieper River, where the Cossack settlement of Polovitsa lived. In 1790 the city acquired its original location, and to this day it is the center of Dnepropetrovsk. Today our city is undergoing a revival. After a number of renovations, the old buildings were renovated, the city center is gradually becoming a new metropolis, and new airlines have opened, connecting the city with the world. Dnipropetrovsk is famous not only for its architecture and industry, but also as a center for new technologies and scientific thought. Noisy narrow streets, beautiful wide avenues, parks. Dnepropetrovsk is unique in its picturesque promenades and bridges. In the center of the city is the Taras Shevchenko Drama Theater, it was founded in 1919 as the first national theater in Ukraine. Like the Shevchenko Theater, the Gorky Theater has a history. In 1927, this theater first found its audience, and in 1932 the Dnipropetrovsk Russian Drama Theater was named after Maxim Gorky. The Opera and Ballet Theater was founded in 1931, in 1941 it was evacuated to Krasnoyarsk. After the war, the theater officially ceased operations, but was revived in 1974, December 26, 1974 - the first season opened. There is also a children's theater in the city, a one-act "Creek" theater. Going back to the history of the city, you can learn a lot by visiting the Jawornytsky Historical Museum. Dmytro Yavornytsky has collected thousands of unique exhibits and objects of the old life of the Zaporozhye Cossacks, from weapons to embroideries and dresses of that time. The museum can tell about the life of Zaporozhye Cossacks and Zaporozhye Sich.

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24.10.2020 16:48
Оливер Кромвель
Одной из главных тенденций истории Англии является борьба между королём и народом. Это была борьба за главенство. Один из ключевых моментов этой долгой борьбы наступил в семнадцатом веке.
В это время начали формироваться политические партии, которые нам известны. Престол занимал Карл I. Он ненавидел Парламент. Он считал, что его единственной функцией является голосование за королевские законы. В конце концов, народ понял, что противостоят ему можно только силой. В 1642 году вспыхнула Гражданская война.
Большинство богатых людей и людей благородного происхождения поддержали Карла. Их называли роялистами. Они были хорошо обучены и имели опытных лидеров.
Сторонники парламента назывались пуританами. Пуритане требовали церковных преобразований. Но их отваги и веры было недостаточно, чтобы выиграть битву. Необходимы были тренировки и опытный лидер. Им стал Оливер Кромвель. 
Кромвель был сельским жителем. Он получил образование в гимназии. Затем стал членом Парламента и прославился как очень жёсткий человек. Всем были также известны твёрдость его характера и искренность. Он понимал, что если парламентская армия хочет добиться победы, то она должна быть обучена так же хорошо, как армия Карла.
Кромвель собрал солдат в восточной части Англии и занялся их обучением. Он хотел, чтобы они воевали за свободу Парламента и религии. Когда солдаты были готовы, он отправил их в бой. Парламентариям удалось выиграть несколько битв. В 1645 году королевская армия была разбита в районе Нейзби.
Кромвель стал лидером всех Парламентских сил. В 1649 году король сдался и был отправлен в тюрьму. Затем он предстал перед судом в Лондоне и был обвинён в измене родине. Вина его была доказана, и он был обезглавлен.
В этом же месяце Парламентское правительство пришло к власти. Кромвель стал править Англией не как король, а как "Защитник Республики".
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