Complete the sentences following one of the patterns for the Conditional ||| (see 'Grammar Point'). 2. It...If the sea hadn't been so rough
3. Would you have been able to come next Tuesday if...?
4. If you had taken my advise .
5.If i had realised that you were really serious in what you said .
6. If it hadn't been for the fact that his father had influence .
7. If he had told me the truth in the first place .
8. Would you have lent him the money if ?
here's what I know about rabbits.
Эта страна является второй по величине в мире.Столица этой страны -Оттава.В этой стране есть два официальных языка-английский и французский.Красные и белые полосы флага-это лист клёна,который растёт в Северной Америке.Лист клёна является официальной эмблемой этой страны.
Эта страна-Канада)