Complete the sentences with himself, itself, herself, myself, yourself, ourselves themselves
1. We're really enjoying
here in Brazil.
2. The main rule in this classroom is that everyone should respect
3. He knows how to laugh at
4. Our cat was more interested in the box than the toy
5. I hurt
really badly falling down the stairs.
6. The children made this cake
люди добрые тест онлайн не успеваю по времени
ЮАР — одна из крупнейших по численности населения стран Африки (54,6 млн человек, 5-е место).
Отличительная особенность современного населения страны — чрезвычайная пестрота рас, народов и религий. Около 80 % граждан ЮАР — чернокожие африканцы, которые принадлежат к различным народам (зулу, коса, суто, тсонга, тсвана и др.). Население европейского происхождения составляет менее 10 %. Третья по численности группа ЮАР — мулаты и метисы. Значительная по численности часть населения — азиатского происхождения.
Около 75 % жителей ЮАР являются христианами, 1,5 % — мусульмане.
Look at the dog! He is smiling!
I am having a birthday party tommorow. I want some sweets as a present.
Sleeping is not a hobby, Jack.
Bob you are always listening to music, when I want to sleep [-ing, т.к. эт привычка]
Look, I have two English workbooks. I think I stole yoir workbook yesterday, I am sorry.
Richard, the baby is crying. Go to his room please. It is yoir turn.
Is it borsh? I don't like the smell.
Is Gabriel a boy's or girl's name?
My sister is disgusting. She is always talking on the phone about boys.
Did you do yoir homework yesterday?
My children are not noisy.
Does my husband like chips?
They are having a test. Don't knock the door.
Your teacher doesn't irritate your parents или isn't irritating, если прямо сейчас не раздражает ¿?