We must protect the wildlife, because it is defenseless. We must protect the wildlife, because there is no one to protect her. We must keep the dolphins. Because they are among the most intelligent animals on the planet. We must maintain the red fish. We must preserve marine animals, because they remained small. We must protect the wildlife, because it gives us almost everything, and if it does not we will perish. Because they are among the most intelligent animals on the planet. Because it is very expensive, so it is most often killed. Yes, I'm seen. ???(Я не знаю как ответить) We should throw garbage in the bins, feed the animals and do not break off the leaves and branches of trees. ???(Я не знаю как ответить)
1. We should have a big breakfast. Нам следует плотно завтракать.
2. We shouldn't eat too much at night. Нам не следует наедаться на ночь.
3. We should do our homework on time. Нам следует делать уроки вовремя.
4. We shouldn't be playing late at the computer. Нам не следует играть допоздна за компьютером.
5. We should help each other. Нам следует друг другу.
6. We shouldn't lie to each other. Нам не следует врать друг другу.
7. We should eat home-made healthy food. Нам следует есть домашнюю здоровую еду.
8. We shouldn't eat fast food. Нам не следует есть фастфуд.
9. We should play sports. Нам следует заниматься спортом.
10. We should't forget about our health. Нам не следует забывать о своем здоровье.
We must protect the wildlife, because there is no one to protect her.
We must keep the dolphins. Because they are among the most intelligent animals on the planet.
We must maintain the red fish.
We must preserve marine animals, because they remained small.
We must protect the wildlife, because it gives us almost everything, and if it does not we will perish.
Because they are among the most intelligent animals on the planet.
Because it is very expensive, so it is most often killed.
Yes, I'm seen.
???(Я не знаю как ответить)
We should throw garbage in the bins, feed the animals and do not break off the leaves and branches of trees.
???(Я не знаю как ответить)