До ть зробити англійську мову!! ів
It was a rainy November day in 1891. An instructor at Springfield College in Massachusetts climbed up a ladder and nailed a fruit basket to the wall of the gymnasium. Then he climbed down the ladder, took a ball and threw it into the basket. The young man was very glad. Maybe, he has invented a new game with a ball.
A few minutes later eighteen students ran into the gym. The instructor put nine boys on the side and nine on the other side of the gym. He told them to throw the ball to each other or bounce it and, when they were near the wall where the basket was nailed, he told them to try and throw the ball into the basket.
The game started. And what a game it was!
Some time passed and the teacher stopped the game. He asked his students to listen to him:”There must be some rules in the game. Rule number 1: no one can run with the ball! You have to throw it or bounce it to someone else on your side. Rule number 2: if a boy pushed another player to get the ball, the game will stop. The man who was pushed would have a free throw at the basket. Nobody must try to catch the ball on its way to the basket.”
All students agreed that rules were good. When the game started again, there was less pushing, fewer men falling, and better passing of the ball from one man to another. A second basket was nailed to the wall at the other end of the gym.
The man who invented this game was James Naismith from Canada, and he was a college teacher.
Put “+” near the correct sentences. A
1. The game of basketball was invented in England.
2. Basketball was invented in November, 1891.
3. James Naismith was an instructor of basketball.
4. James Naismith was American.
5. The instructor explained the rules of basketball to his students.
6. First there was one basket in the game.
7. The students didn’t like the rules of the game.
8. The rules of playing basketball have been greatly changed since 1891.
9. Basketball is played only in the USA.
10. James Naismith invented basketball by chance.
11. There were 5 rules in this play.
12. All students agreed that rules were good.
Так вот, для того чтобы понять, как лучше учиться в школе, постарайтесь найти себе стимул или мотивацию для действий. Она может быть самой разнообразной. Прежде всего, если вы учитесь в школе, это может быть желание поступить в хороший вуз. Сейчас у каждого есть возможность попасть в любой российский вуз на бюджетной основе, если достаточно хорошо учиться. Нужно лишь хорошо стать ЕГЭ. Это может быть достаточной мотивации для улучшения показателей успеваемости.
Другой пример – интересная работа. Сейчас очень сложно найти по-настоящему интересную работу, за которую будут платить довольно неплохие деньги, если вы недостаточно образованы, поэтому отличная учеба может стать действительно серьезной мотивации. Из этой же серии можно выделить стипендию. Если вы студент и учитесь на коммерческой основе, то отличная учеба вам перевестись на бюджет, а если вы уже получаете стипендию, то она может стать гораздо больше. Главное, поверить в свои силы.
Важно помнить, что мотивация должна по-настоящему вас вдохновлять. То есть, вы должны найти нечто такое, что вам встать с кровати и пойти учиться. Зачастую это сделать довольно проблематично. Так как мешает лень. Чтобы навсегда от нее избавиться, прочитайте мою статью. Помните, что мотивация не может появиться специально. Прислушайтесь к вашим чувствам. Чего вы хотите больше всего. К чему вас тянет. И продолжайте развиваться в этой сфере. Я уверен, что у вас все получится. Вы же для этого интересуетесь, как начать хорошо учиться.
In order to improve their academic performance, you must first realize why you need all this stuff. Some children do not understand why they go to school. Just parents demand from them any result, but it is not talking about where they obtained knowledge. First, it is the fault of parents, because the education includes not only a process of physical adaptation of children. Second, there is a fault and the children themselves, as they do not think about the future. This is especially concerns students, because they are adults and must be responsible for their own lives.
So, in order to understand how to learn better in school, try to find an incentive or motivation for action. It can be very diverse. First of all, if you study in school, it may be the desire to get into a good University. Now everyone has the opportunity to get into any Russian University on a budgetary basis, if good enough to learn. Only need good be exam. This may be sufficient motivation to improve performance.
Another example is the interesting work. It is very difficult to find really interesting jobs that will pay pretty good money if you are not educated and excellent study can get really serious motivation. From the same series can be distinguished scholarship. If you are a student and studying on commercial basis, it is an excellent study will help you to transfer to the budget, and if you get a scholarship, it can become much more. Most importantly, believe in themselves.