Globalisation Globalisation is good and bad and inevitable. It is good or at least useful economically because it lowers 1 to trade and increases the flow of goods, labour and services. It has both 2 in and encouraged legal migration, and tourism. It has shared the best of the world’s musical culture, sport, TV and films, fashion and dance. It has made the world both familiar and strange. In any main Street from Moscow to Los Angeles or London to Sydney – one can eat Chinese, Indian, Italian or Thai cuisine and it seems perfectly normal. Globalisation has reduced (many argue) the 3 of global conflict and it has aided the development of world health policies and humanitarian aid. The charity concern “Live Aid” was watched by 400 million viewers in 60 countries. But Globalisation is also dark. The process began through “discovery” and colonization. It demanded integration 4 the expense of local independence, colour and “difference”. It grew out of monstrous transnational corporations that became so powerful that neither trade unions nor gonernments had the power to hinder. It came with the opportunity to produce goods on an unprecedented scale at presiously unimagined prices. Globalization 5 to the independent manufacturers of the world – “grow with us, or die”. And Globalization is inevitable. Elements of the late 20th century phenomenon can be seen throughout history in the rise and fall of every empire: where dress, cuisine, culture and even language were 6 across continents. Many believe that it is now US culture that has displaced traditional diversity, local uniqueness and identity. Personally I am unable to argue for or against globalisation. It is truly 7 and utterly terrible and completely inevitable. 1. A) obstructions B) blockades C) difficulties D) barriers 2. A) caused B) affected C) founded D) resulted 3. A) opportunity B) occasion C) likelihood D) reason 4. A) at B) for C) on D) by 5. A) spoke B) told C) said D) talked 6. A) exposed B) imposed C) imported D) obliged 7. A) well B) good C) nice D) superior
на :
маша миронова ‒ одна из главных героев романа а. с. пушкина «капитанская дочка». маша была
первой героиней пушкина, которая сочетает в себе смелость, решительность и мягкость,невероятную доброту.
в ней отразились идеальные представления писателя о девушке.
маше 18 лет. круглолицая, румяная, с светло‑русыми волосами, гладко зачесанными за уши, которые у нее так и горели.
автор отмечает, что голосок маши был тонким и мягким, «ангельским».
на :
masha mironova is one of the main characters of a. s. pushkin's novel "the captain's daughter". masha was
the first heroine of pushkin, which combines courage, determination and gentleness, incredible kindness.
it reflected a perfect view of the writer about the girl.
masha is 18 years old. she was round-faced, rosy-cheeked, with light brown hair slicked back behind her ears, which burned.
the author notes that masha's voice was thin and soft, "angelic".
my favourite room is our kitchen. perhaps the kitchen is the most important room in many houses, but it is particularly so in our house because it's not only where we cook and eat, but it's also the main meeting place for the family and friends.
so what does this special room look like? it's quite big, but not huge. its big enough to have a good-sized rectangular table in the centre. there is a large window above the sink, which looks out onto two apple trees in the garden. the cooker is at one end, and above it there is a wooden cupboard.
all our friends come straight into the kitchen and join in whatever is happening there. the kettle goes immediately and then we all sit round the table, drinking tea.
without doubt some of the happiest times of my life have been spent in our kitchen.
моя любимая комната — наша кухня. возможно, кухня — самая важная комната во многих домах, но это особенно касается нашего дома, потому что она является не только местом, где мы готовим еду и кушаем, но это также главное место, где собирается вся семья и друзья.
итак, как выглядит эта особенная комната? она довольно большая, но не огромная. достаточно большая для того, чтобы в центре поместился добротный прямоугольный стол. над раковиной большое окно, из которого видны две яблони в саду. в одном конце расположена кухонная плита, а над ней — деревянный шкафчик.
все наши друзья идут прямо на кухню и принимают участие во всем, что там происходит. тут же ставится чайник, затем все мы садимся за стол, пьем чай.
без сомнения, некоторые самые счастливые мгновения моей жизни были проведены на нашей кухне.