Kiev is the capital of Ukraine. It is the largest city in Ukraine. More than three million people live there. Kiev was founded more than 1500 years ago. It is the political, economic, industrial and cultural centre of our country. There are many factories in Kiev. They make different products. In Kiev there are many museums, monuments, theatres, cinemas, libraries and palaces. Thousand of students study at Kiev-Mohila academy, at Kiev University, many institutes and colleges. Kiev is a large transport centre. Kiev metro is very beautiful. Kiev is on the banks of the river Dnieper. The city is very green. It is one of the most beautiful cities of Ukraine. Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada, president and government are in Kiev. Ambassadors of many countries live in the capital of Ukraine too. We are proud that our capital is one of the best and oldest cities in the world. Khreschatyk is the main street in Kiev. It is not very long, but it is wide and straight. You can see many cars and trolley buses in Khreschatyk. There are many big green trees in it. A lot of people go to Khreschatyk every day. Some of them go shopping because there are many good shops and big market there. Other people go to the cinema, look at the fountains or sit on the benches. In the evening many people walk in Khreschatyk. There you can see many bright lights. People like the main street of Kiev because it is nice and green.
Правильное питание – залог здоровья, но не все это воспринимают серьезно. О “хлебе насущном” человек думает в течение всей своей жизни, каким бы трудом он не занимался.Мы начинаем задумываться о своем физическом и духовном здоровье, когда наш организм не справляется с теми стрессами, которые окружают нас на каждом шагу, и тогда мы обращаемся к целебным силам даров природы. Но если бы мы знакомились с ними в детстве, нас, наверное, не коснулись бы многие проблемыЗа последние 100-150 лет наш рацион изменился до неузнаваемости. Благодаря гастрономической революции готовить стало легче, а переваривать труднее. Мы пьем порошковое молоко, завариваем кипятком сухое картофельное пюре, мажем на хлеб искусственное масло, утоляем голод хот-догами, чипсами и шоколадными батончиками. Супчики из пакетика, лапша моментального приготовления, бульонные кубики вытеснили со стола здоровую еду.С самого раннего детства у ребенка формируются вкусовые пристрастия и привычки. В их формировании важнейшую роль играет семья. Именно в младшем возрасте важно сформировать у детей правильное представление о здоровом питании пониманию того, что здоровое питание должно являться неотъемлемой частью повседневной жизни. Без преувеличения можно сказать, что правильное питание – это залог хорошего самочувствия, работо активной деятельности, отличного настроения, важнейшее и непременное условие нашего здоровья и долголетия.
Kiev is the capital of Ukraine. It is the largest city in Ukraine. More than three million people live there. Kiev was founded more than 1500 years ago. It is the political, economic, industrial and cultural centre of our country. There are many factories in Kiev. They make different products. In Kiev there are many museums, monuments, theatres, cinemas, libraries and palaces. Thousand of students study at Kiev-Mohila academy, at Kiev University, many institutes and colleges. Kiev is a large transport centre. Kiev metro is very beautiful. Kiev is on the banks of the river Dnieper. The city is very green. It is one of the most beautiful cities of Ukraine. Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada, president and government are in Kiev. Ambassadors of many countries live in the capital of Ukraine too. We are proud that our capital is one of the best and oldest cities in the world. Khreschatyk is the main street in Kiev. It is not very long, but it is wide and straight. You can see many cars and trolley buses in Khreschatyk. There are many big green trees in it. A lot of people go to Khreschatyk every day. Some of them go shopping because there are many good shops and big market there. Other people go to the cinema, look at the fountains or sit on the benches. In the evening many people walk in Khreschatyk. There you can see many bright lights. People like the main street of Kiev because it is nice and green.