Health is the most important thing in our life. If a person is healthy and strong he can have an interesting life and do a
lot of important things.
A network of health resorts help people to improve their
health. Besides, sports help us to keep fit and avoid diseases.
But no matter how hard we try to avoid them, sometimes we
can't do it. We often catch cold and infection and fall ill. Then
we have to consult a doctor.
The doctor examines the patient, takes his temperature, puts
him through the necessary tests, listens to his heart, sounds the
lungs and takes his blood count. The doctor makes prescriptions.
The patient should follow the doctor's prescriptions. In this
case, there is more chance of recovering soon and getting over
the illness without any complications.
Find the adjectives from the text and give their degrees of
Public accounting and private accounting include specialized services because accounting affects people in many different fields.
1. Do public accounting and private accounting include specialized services because accounting affects people in many different fields?
2/ Public accounting and private accounting include specialized services because accounting affects people in many different fields, don't theyt?
3/ What include specialized services because accounting affects people in many different fields?
4/ Do public accounting and private accounting include specialized services because accounting affects people in many or few different fields?
5/ What do public accounting and private accounting include?
У меня есть домашние питомцы. Это золотые рыбки. Их зовут Краш и Син. Им два года . Они живут в большом аквариуме. аквариум находится на столе около окна в моей комнате. Я кормлю их специальной едой каждый день. Они умеют хорошо плавать, но они не умеют говорить. Мне нравится наблюдать за рыбками плавающими в аквариуме.