Hi guys Well, here I am at art college now, and I'm missing you all! You knov«, (1) I'm / I've got quite homesick-I didn't expect that at all. (2) I've got / Ihave a room in an apartment with five other students. The apartment is quite big and it (3) is / has very nice. It's got a big kitchen, but it (4) doesn't have /hasn't got a dishwasher or washing machine! Two of the rooms (5) have got/are still ermpty-l expect those people will come at the weekend. Two of the other girls here (6) aren't/don't have very friendly, they just stay in their rooms. But the other girl -Chris -is kovely (7) She's got/She has long dark hair and looks a bit like Angelina Jolie On Saturday we're going to (8) have got / have a dinner party-we're each going te find three more people to invite! My timetable isn't too full-(9) I've got / I have about five lectures each week and eight classes Enough about mel How are you all? (10) Have you got/Do you have any news for me? Love, Lucy
put it in your pocket".—"No, I could drop it in the tram." 3. Can't be that it already arrived, I received a telegram only yesterday. 4. He has already received my letter? 5. He didn't get my letter? 6. Your watch, perhaps in a hurry; can't be that it was now nine o'clock. 7. He couldn't get the book because the library was closed. 8. Can't be that he got the book, because the library was closed. 9. Could you give me this book for a couple of days? 10. No, I don't believe it can't be that she lied to me.
Я очень люблю свой дом. Он очень уютный и красивый. В нем 3 этажа. На первом этаже находятся кухня, ванная комната, бильярдная и гостиная комната. На втором этаже моя комната, спальня родителей, гардеробная. А на третьем этаже большой балкон, и просто гостевая комната где могут остаться гости переночевать! И небольшая комната для всяких безделушек. При входе в мой дом стоят две колонны, сам дом обшит декоративной обшивкой ввиде камней. Большие окна во весь третий этаж. Мне очень нравиться мой дом я его очень люблю.