my favorite dish is borsch. as far as i'm conerned, everyone, who lives in ukraine, is keen on borsch.
it's absolutely tasty dish. the first time i fell in love with this dish was when i was a child and used to eat it almost every day. it's so appetizing that i even learned how to cook this dish myself. i tried home-made borsch at my friend's house and in some restaurants with ukrainian national cuisine.
to be more precise, it's a beetroot soup, with beetroot as its main ingredient but also including potatos, onions, carrots, cabbage, meat (pork or beef), and tomato paste. several other ingredients may also be added. sourcream on top is recommended.
to conclude, everyone has his favorite dish, but for me the savoriest one is borsch!
1)джек тротт джек тротт это молодой юноша. он живет с мамой в маленьком доме в деревне. джек и мама бедные люди и у них нет даже еды в достаточной количестве для проживания. хотя, у них есть корова, и её зовут дейзи (ромашка) . джек ленивый. он спит целыми днями и совсем не работает. в один прекрасный день, в то время как джек спит в своей комнате, миссис тротт будит его. "проснись, джек! ты должен мне. нам нечего есть на завтрак этим утром. у нас нет еды. в буфете пусто (шкафу) . мы не можем купить еду, так как у нас нет денег. ты должен пойти на базар (рынок) и продать дейзи и купить немного хлеба, молока и меда на обратном пути домой." "да, мама " отвечает джек. но джек грустный. он не хочет продавать дейзи. она его друг.
my favorite dish is borsch. as far as i'm conerned, everyone, who lives in ukraine, is keen on borsch.
it's absolutely tasty dish. the first time i fell in love with this dish was when i was a child and used to eat it almost every day. it's so appetizing that i even learned how to cook this dish myself. i tried home-made borsch at my friend's house and in some restaurants with ukrainian national cuisine.
to be more precise, it's a beetroot soup, with beetroot as its main ingredient but also including potatos, onions, carrots, cabbage, meat (pork or beef), and tomato paste. several other ingredients may also be added. sourcream on top is recommended.
to conclude, everyone has his favorite dish, but for me the savoriest one is borsch!