In this lesson you can:
- learn new vocabulary on the theme;
- use it in reading and writing.
1) Page 92. Ex.1.Сегодня мы познакомимся с прилагательными, которые обозначают черты характера человека, его личные качества.
Read adjectives and match them with definitions. Translate into Russian. (Прочитайте определения и запишите прилагательные из рамочки и их перевод по образцу ЦИФРА – БУКВА - ПЕРЕВОД)
2) Page 92. Ex.2. Form adjectives from the given nouns. Translate into Russian. (Запишите в тетрадь прилагательные, образованные от данных существительных, и их перевод. Используйте словарь).
3) Page 92. Ex.3. Complete the adjectives and translate them into Russian. (Запишите в тетрадь прилагательные, о которых идет речь в предложениях, и их перевод)
4) Page 92. Ex.4. Find the words with similar meanings, match them up in pairs of synonyms. (Письменно подберите пары синонимов и дайте их перевод.)
5) Контрольное задание:
Используя все прилагательные данного урока, подберите не менее 3 качеств, для людей этих профессий, и запишите их в тетрадь. Девочки – профессии №2, 3, 4. Мальчики – профессии № 1, 5, 6. Составьте 3 предложения с данными профессиями и подходящими к ним прилагательными.
1. A ship captain
2. An artist
3. A doctor
4. A teacher
5. A businessman
6. A showman
In my bedroom you can see a mirror with blue curtains. Near the bed there is a stantard lamp and a wardrobe with a pink carpet.
In my study room you can see a table with the desk in front of chair,a cupboard where i fold books,a computer and lamp.
In my kitchen you can see a fridge with a cupboard on the left. There is a sink and a table with the chair.
In my bathroom you can see a bath,a shower and a mirror.
Hope,что все правильно:)
1)The doctor wanted to know if I did sports.
2)My grandfather wanted to know if I would follow his advice.
3)My mom wanted to know what school activity I had had last.
4)The reporter wanted to know what was my favourite subject.
5)My uncle wanted to know how often did I go on school trips.
6)My friend wanted to know how I was.
7)The teacher wanted to know if I usualli went to bed late.
8)My dad wanted to know what would I do in future.
9)Anna wanted to know why I had come back.
10)My grandmother wanted to know what I was doing then.
11)The police officer wanted to know when Rick had come home the day before.
12)My friend wanted to know if Megan liked travelling.
13)My best friend wanted to know would I come to her place on Friday.
14)The reporter wonders if it was my second visit to England.
15)The reporter wanted to know why I had come to Scotland.