Как читается этот текст Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her name was
Goldilocks. She hand golden hat.
One day Goldilocks was walking in the forest. She saw a HOUSE
and knocked on the door. She went inside. Nobody was there.
Goldilocka aw three bonds on the table. She was hungry.
"This porridge is too hot This porridge is too cold. This porridge
is just night Goldilocks ne the porridge.
Goldilocks was tired now. This chair is too big! This chair is too
big lodd This chair is just nighe" But the chair broke.
Goldilocks was very tired. She went upstairs. This bed is too
hard! This bed is too so! This bed is just right?"
Soon, the bears came home. "Someone's been eating my
porridge!" said Daddy bear
"Someone's been eating my pomidge!" said Mummy bear
"Someone's been eating my porridge and t's all gone!" said
Baby bear
"Someone's been sitting on my chairt said Daddy bear.
*Someone's been sitting on my chair" said Mumery bear
"Someone's been sitting on my chair - and it's brokent' said
Baby bear.
"Someone's been sleeping in my bedi" said Daddy bear
"Someone's been sleeping in my bed said Nummy bear
"Someone's been seeping in my bed - and she's still theral
said Baby bear
Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears, "Help! She ran
downstairs and into the forest. She never came back gain,
Главным лицом в производстве игры (1)... . Он (2), Подробнее (3)... Игра с актерами много раз до премьеры. Успех спектакля многое зависит от декораций, поэтому (4)... должен быть талантливым. В (5)... должен быть профессиональным, как cotumes должно впечатлить (6)... . Режиссер выбирает лучших актеров для (7)... . Если (8)... устроили ему нужны актеры и актрисы с большим драматическим талантом. В случае (9)... он должен найти смешные и легкие персонажи.Магия начинается тогда, когда (10)... и актеры и музыканты (11)... . Если пьеса имеет успех, это сложно (12)... . И конечно же в конце спектакля acrors (13)... . Занавес (14)... но зрители не хотели покидать дом и они (15)... актеры и (16)... их снова и снова.
Загрязнение воздуха isОдним из В результатеДругое решение могло бы быть . СледовательноНаконец, было бы хорошей идеей . Если это будет сделано,Подводя up,