KEY PHRASES O Asking for and giving personal information
I'd like to join
How do you spell your surname?
Can I have your contact details?
My email address is
It's £ ... for a year's membership, please.
1 What is Eve's surname?
2 What is Eve's mobile number?
3 What town does Eve live in?
4 What time does the first drama class start?
5 What costs £28?
Сэнди: Привет, Энн. Как твои дела?
Энн: О, привет, Сэнди. Что ты здесь делаешь? Покупаешь одежду?
Сэнди: Нет, я ищу подарок для Анджелы, но у меня не очень получается.
Энн: Давай найдем ей что-нибудь вместе .
Сэнди: Хорошо. Есть идеи ?
Энн: Как насчет сумки?
Сэнди: Хорошая идея. Она любит сумки. Что ты думаешь об этой синей?
Энн: Она хорошая, но я думаю, что немного дороговата.
Сэнди: Наверное, ты права. А как насчет этих шарфов?
Энн: Она не носит шарфы. Подожди-ка! Вот! Эти топы великолепны. Да и они продаются за полцены. Тебе нравится вот этот?
Сэнди: Великолепно. Зеленый цвет подходит цвету её глаз.
Энн: Тогда покупай его.
1. Sandy wants to buy a present for Angela.
2. Ann offers to find her something together.
3. They aren't buying the blue bag because the bags are a bit expensive.
4. Angela doesn't wear scarves.
5. Sandy decides to buy a green top because it's gorgeous and it matches the colour of Angela's eyes. (Besides, tops aren't expensive, they are half price.)
Yes, away everything went
She got sick and passed
Who will talk about love
In which heat is hidden
Where there is resentment, and where there is pain
Everything will pass by itself
How to pour salt on a wound
'Cause it shot me
Yes, away everything went
She got sick and passed
Who will talk about love
In which heat is hidden
Where there is resentment, and where there is pain
Everything will pass by itself
How to pour salt on a wound
'Cause it shot me
I wander the streets alone
To hell with this quarantine
I was sick of you
Shot my rear
Found a hundred reasons
Lest we be together
Like, you got close to me
Oh it's hard to be alone
I don’t find a place for myself
Yes Yes Yes
Stop lying to me
I was like hachiko
You only need to fade
Well, now the door is closed
Come on, look for a way out
I don't want to understand you
Friends were saying, like
To this went, and I in response
"Yes it went all"
It’ll hurt ...