Почему одни предметы популярнее других? просто одним людям легко дается , другим физкультура. и чаще всего, легкие предметы пользуются большей популярностью у учеников, ведь всем не хочется сильно напрягаться. чаще всего это такие предметы как физкультура, информатика, рисование и похожие на них, где оценк получить легче простого. вот и весь секрет. why are some items more popular than others? just one person is easily given mathematics, other physical education. and more often, light objects are more popular with students, because everyone does not want to strain hard. most often these are such subjects as physical culture, computer science, drawing and similar to them, where it is easier to make estimates. that's the whole secret.
I know many sports, because I tryed a lot of them. I know basketball, volleyball, tenis, swimming, rope skipping, (не пиши эти скобки, но rope skipping признали видом спорта и я даже участвовала в 4 чемпионатах) basball, kickball, table tennis, football, socer. I can talk about sports forever. I know a little Russian traditional games too. I know "ручеек" a creek, "кошки-мышки" cats-mice, "колечко" the ring, "светофор" traffic light. My favourite kind of sport is boxing. Already at age 12 I'm almost the strongest in my class. I hate basketball, because the only time when I played I failed my team, everyone was angry and now I don't like playing it. It happened because nobocy explained me the rules. I start doing sports in kindergarden somewhere at age 5. I like doing my favourite sport boxing. even though I'm a self-taught I still like to fight against air balloons.
1.1 false
1.2 true
1.3 true
1.4 false
1.5 true
1.6 true
I know many sports, because I tryed a lot of them. I know basketball, volleyball, tenis, swimming, rope skipping, (не пиши эти скобки, но rope skipping признали видом спорта и я даже участвовала в 4 чемпионатах) basball, kickball, table tennis, football, socer. I can talk about sports forever. I know a little Russian traditional games too. I know "ручеек" a creek, "кошки-мышки" cats-mice, "колечко" the ring, "светофор" traffic light. My favourite kind of sport is boxing. Already at age 12 I'm almost the strongest in my class. I hate basketball, because the only time when I played I failed my team, everyone was angry and now I don't like playing it. It happened because nobocy explained me the rules. I start doing sports in kindergarden somewhere at age 5. I like doing my favourite sport boxing. even though I'm a self-taught I still like to fight against air balloons.
я учусь в американской школе в 6 классе