Города новоалтайск начинается в 18 веке. именно в это время население устремилось в золотой край сибири. первые поселения, возникшие в 18 веке на месте, где сегодня раскинулся город новоалтайск, были выстроены для обороны от степняков-кочевников. в те времена для защиты от нападений была построена легендарная белоярская крепость. удивительно, но точного места ее нахождения до сей поры, ни , ни археологам отыскать не удалось. загадка? исследователи желают прояснить этот вопрос, поиски крепости продолжаются и сейчас. остается отметить, что, как поселение, современный новоалтайск возник в 1717. в те годы это было небольшое селение с укреплением, защищавших его жителей от набегов кочевых племен алтая. в 1942 это поселение было преобразовано в городок чесноковка, а с 1962 чесноковке дано новое наименование – новоалтайск.history of city новоалтайск begins in 18 century . exactly atthis time the russian population was directed in the goldedge of siberia . the first settlements arising up in 18 centuryin place , where a city новоалтайск was today stretched,were lined up for a defensive from степняков-кочевников . inthose times for protecting from attacks the legendaryбелоярская fortress was built . surprisingly , but exact placeof her being to this pore , finding neither historians norarchaeologists was not succeeded . riddle ? researcherswish to make clear this question , the searches of fortressproceed and now . remains to mark that , as a settlement,modern новоалтайск arose up in 1717. in those years it wassmall settlement with strengthening , protecting him habitantsfrom the raids of nomadic tribes of altai . in 1942 thissettlement was regenerate in a small town чесноковка , andfrom 1962 чесноковке is given the new name -
If I (1. hadn't bothered) him with our problems so much last year he (2. would have supplied) us with the required equipment. If we (3. hadn't bought) a laptop for John, he (4. wouldn't be able) to use the e-mail now. If the television (5. hadn't been invented) in the 19th century, it (6. would have been invented) in the 20th. If James (7. had named) some great discoveries in the history of human civilization, he (8. would have got) a good mark but his mark was poor. But for Isaac Newton the mankind (9. wouldn't know) the law of universal gravity. I know your parents are very unhappy. If I (10. were) you, I (11. wouldn't be) so indifferent to their problems. If they (12. had had) various approaches to the problem, they (13. would have told) us about them. Let's ask them about it. I wish we (14. could) always predict the near future. If Paul (15. were not) a surgeon, he (16. would be) a scientist now. If he (17. were not interested) in science and technology, he (18. wouldn't have entered) the Science Department of Manchester University. But he is among the best students.