She has been Karting
4 Lyubov Andreeva wants to become a
Formula 1
Champion of Kazakhstan four times but
hopes to drive racing cars in the future.
5 Christopher Columbus was a San Lor
and explorer. In the 15th century the journey
between India and Europe was very long. He
wanted to find a quicker route.
7 David Shepherd is a British artist. He
is famous for painting trains and elephants.
He loves trains so much he bought a few.
6 Elon Musk is a busin
One of his companies, builds electric cars
Hello, Kate, are you coming to my party today?
-Привет, в честь чего вечеринка?
Hello, on what occasion is the party?
-В честь моего приезда из Испании!
On the occasion of my arrival from Spain.
-О, Боже, я совсем забыла, извини, конечно, буду!
Oh, my God, I completely forgot, sorry, of course, I’ll be there!
-А кто еще приглашен?
And who else is invited?
-Лили, Мери, Дженни – ты их знаешь, и несколько симпатичных парней!
Lily, Marry, Jenny – you know them, and a couple of good-looking guys!
-О, это будет весело! Что с собой взять?
Оh, it ‘ll be fun! What shall I bring with me?
захвати, несколько банок Колы и какой нибудь закуски: чипсы, например.
Please, take a few bottles of Cola and some snacks: crisps, for example.
-Хорошо, что смогу то и принесу. Когда Я могу прийти?
Ok, I’ll bring what I can. When can I come?
-С семи начинаем собираться. Жду тебя!
We begin to gather at seven o’clock. Waiting for you!
In 15 years, Stallone initially left after his parents divorced, he moved to his mother and began to study in a special school for troubled teens.