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29.06.2022 18:30 •  Английский язык

мне нужно ваше
A:When we say ‘something has happened’, this is usually new information:
Ow! I’ve cut my finger.
The road is closed. There’s been an accident. (= There has been …)
Police have arrested two men in connection with the robbery.
When we use the present perfect, there is a connection with now. The action in the past has a result now: Tom has lost his key. (= he doesn’t have it now)
He told me his name, but I’ve forgotten it. (= I can’t remember it now)
Sally is still here. She hasn’t gone out. (= she is here now) I can’t find my bag.
Have you seen it? (= do you know where it is now?)
Compare gone (to) and been (to): James is on holiday. He has gone to Italy. (= he is there now or on his way there) Amy is back home now. She has been to Italy. (= she has now come back)
B :You can also use the past simple (did, went, had etc.) in the examples on this page. So you can say:
Ben isn’t here. He’s gone out. or He went out.
‘Are you hungry?’ ‘No, I’ve just had lunch.’ or ‘No, I just had lunch.’
D : You can use the present perfect with just, already and yet. Just = a short time ago:
‘Are you hungry?’ ‘No, I’ve just had lunch.’
Hello. Have you just arrived?
Already = sooner than expected:
‘Don’t forget to pay the bill.’ ‘I’ve already paid it.’
‘What time is Mark leaving?’ ‘He’s already left .
’ Yet = until now. We use yet to show that we are expecting something to happen. We use yet in questions and negative sentences:
Has it stopped raining yet? I’ve written the email, but I haven’t sent it yet.
C: The present perfect simple is have/has + past participle. The past participle oft en ends in -ed (finished/decided etc.), but many verbs are irregular (lost/done/written etc.).
Task2: translate examples into Kazakh.
Task 3: Read the situations and complete the sentences using the present perfect. Choose from these
break disappear go up grow improve lose shrink stop
1 Tom is looking for his key. He can’t find it. Tom has lost his key.
2 Maria’s English wasn’t very good. Now it is better. Her English
3 My bag was here, but it isn’t here any more. My bag
4 Lisa can’t walk and her leg is in plaster. Lisa
5 Last week the bus fare was Ј1.80. Now it is Ј2. The bus fare
6 Dan didn’t have a beard before. Now he has a beard. Dan
7 It was raining ten minutes ago. It isn’t raining now. It
8 I washed my sweater, and now it’s too small for me. My sweater

Task 4: Put in been or gone.
1 My parents are on holiday. They’ve gone to Italy.
2 Hello! I’ve just to the shops. I’ve bought lots of things.
3 Tom has just out. He’ll be back in about an hour.
4 Alice isn’t here at the moment. I don’t know where she’s .
5 You’re very late. Where have you ?

Task 4: Complete the sentences using the present perfect.
1 Sally is still here. She hasn’t gone (she / not / go) out.
2 I can’t find my bag. (you / see / it) anywhere?
3 I can’t log on to the website. (I / forget) my password.
4 I sent Joe an email this morning, but (he / not / reply).
5 Is the meeting still going on, or (it / finish)?
6 (the weather / change). It’s colder now.
7 (you / not / sign) the form. Could you sign it now, please?
8 Are your friends still here, or (they / go) home?
9 Paul doesn’t know what he’s going to do.
(he / not / decide / yet).
10 ‘Do you know where Julia is?’ ‘Yes, (I / just / see / her).’
11 ‘When is David going away?’ ‘ (he / already / go).’
12 a: (your course / start / yet)?
b: Not yet. It starts next week.

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16.07.2021 13:28
Our autumn holidays have been a lot of fun, however, as usual!We went to school, preparing for the 100th anniversary of our Lyceum. But the number 1, we decided to get out into nature, or rather, we have won a certificate for a free trip to the zoo, it turned out we only really when we tried to intellectual marathon. In his Lyceum, we have a winner-class, so we have awarded this certificate.Zoo we have a very large, and since it was cool outside, then all the animals we could not see. We saw a variety of birds and hear them singing, admired the king of all animals - a lion, a number had tigers, polar bears reached after went to the pavilion with tropical animals seen and tropical fish. After many already frozen, so we decided to go with the girls in the cafe to warm up, to talk, etc.In general, a campaign like we walked a bit and relax from the bustle of the city ...Наши осенние каникулы очень весело, в прочем, как обычно!Мы ходили в школе, готовились к 100-летию нашего лицея. Но 1 числа мы решили выбраться на природу, точнее мы выиграли сертификат на бесплатный поход в зоопарк, это получилось у нас только когда мы очень постарались на интеллектуальном марафоне. В своем лицее мы стали классом-победителем, поэтому нас наградили этим сертификатом.Зоопарк у нас очень большой, а так как на улице было прохладно, то на всех зверей нам не удалось посмотреть. Мы увидели различных птиц, послушали их пение, восхищались царем всех зверей - львом, рядом были тигры, дошли до белых медведей, после отправились в павильон с тропическими животными, увидели и тропических рыб. После многие уже замерзли, вот мы и решили сходить с девчонками в кафе, чтобы погреться, поговорить и т.д.  В общем, поход понравился, мы погуляли и немного расслабились от городской суеты...
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06.10.2021 06:42
Это островное государство. Оно занимает территорию в два крупных острова и несколько поменьше. Его побережье длинной в 6000 миль. Сравнивая с Россией, этот остров покажется маленьким, но географически он разнообразен. Южная и восточная части острова состоят из плоских равнин и холмов. Горные районы обнаружены только на севере и западе. В этой стране ты никогда не будешь вдали от берега, там также находится множество морских курортов. Климат умеренный, никогда не бывает слишком жарко или холодно. Идут постоянные дожди большую часть года. Главные пассажирские порты и аэропорты находятся на юго-востоке. Это богатая страна, одна из самых богатых в мире. 
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