From the very first minute, I was deeply impressed with everything I saw on stage. The costumes were great. Dance and music excited me. The ballet seemed like a fairy tale to me. I've never seen anything more beautiful. My friend also enjoyed every moment of this performance. At the end of the play, when the curtain fell, a clap of applause erupted. It seemed they would never end. The dancers were summoned again and again. They were given huge bouquets of flowers. We also applauded enthusiastically. The performance was a huge success.
З найпершої хвилини я була глибоко вражена всім побаченим на сцені. Костюми були чудові. Танець і музика незвичайно схвилювали мене. Балет здався мені казкою. Я ніколи не бачила нічого прекраснішого. Мій друг теж насолоджувався кожною миттю цієї вистави. Наприкінці спектаклю, коли опустилася завіса, пролунав грім оплесків. Здавалося, вони ніколи не закінчаться. Танцюристів викликали знову і знову. Їм дарували величезні букети квітів. Ми теж із захватом аплодували. Вистава мала величезний успіх.
At the time I first met Mr. Alien in 1990. he considered the possibility of studying foreign language* again He forgot everything that he had learned about Latin and French at school The language! that he wanted to learn at that time was Spanish and Ponuguesc. He was going to study those languages in the Dc- panment of General Education at New York University. Therefore. he enrolled that school in 1991
After my friend finished studying at New York University he decided to go to South America for a year Because he he had never been there before, he enjoyed visiting the famous cities of Brazil and Argentina. He liked Sao Paulo so much that he considered staying fherr much longer Before that time he had always hoped to find a place with an ideal climate Therefore, Sao Paulo seemed to be a real paradise (рай). However, he spent all his money and was forced to return.Now my friend Mr. Alien is planning to visit France next year. He leaves for Paris on March 15. Mr. Alien will visit also Germany on the same trip. He realizes that he must learn French and German before he goes to to Europe. At present he is taking a course in French in preparation for the trip. He thinks that French is quite easy. Of course he he has never been in France before, so he has little opportunity to hear French. He works very hard at his French every day. He will study German at New York University next semester. I am sure that he will not have no language problem in the other countries
when he gets there. Many people in those countries understand English or French.
From the very first minute, I was deeply impressed with everything I saw on stage. The costumes were great. Dance and music excited me. The ballet seemed like a fairy tale to me. I've never seen anything more beautiful. My friend also enjoyed every moment of this performance. At the end of the play, when the curtain fell, a clap of applause erupted. It seemed they would never end. The dancers were summoned again and again. They were given huge bouquets of flowers. We also applauded enthusiastically. The performance was a huge success.
З найпершої хвилини я була глибоко вражена всім побаченим на сцені. Костюми були чудові. Танець і музика незвичайно схвилювали мене. Балет здався мені казкою. Я ніколи не бачила нічого прекраснішого. Мій друг теж насолоджувався кожною миттю цієї вистави. Наприкінці спектаклю, коли опустилася завіса, пролунав грім оплесків. Здавалося, вони ніколи не закінчаться. Танцюристів викликали знову і знову. Їм дарували величезні букети квітів. Ми теж із захватом аплодували. Вистава мала величезний успіх.
At the time I first met Mr. Alien in 1990. he considered the possibility of studying foreign language* again He forgot everything that he had learned about Latin and French at school The language! that he wanted to learn at that time was Spanish and Ponuguesc. He was going to study those languages in the Dc- panment of General Education at New York University. Therefore. he enrolled that school in 1991
After my friend finished studying at New York University he decided to go to South America for a year Because he he had never been there before, he enjoyed visiting the famous cities of Brazil and Argentina. He liked Sao Paulo so much that he considered staying fherr much longer Before that time he had always hoped to find a place with an ideal climate Therefore, Sao Paulo seemed to be a real paradise (рай). However, he spent all his money and was forced to return.Now my friend Mr. Alien is planning to visit France next year. He leaves for Paris on March 15. Mr. Alien will visit also Germany on the same trip. He realizes that he must learn French and German before he goes to to Europe. At present he is taking a course in French in preparation for the trip. He thinks that French is quite easy. Of course he he has never been in France before, so he has little opportunity to hear French. He works very hard at his French every day. He will study German at New York University next semester. I am sure that he will not have no language problem in the other countries
when he gets there. Many people in those countries understand English or French.