Once upon a time there lived a King, Midas by name. He (1 WAS) a bit gloomy because he (2. LOVED) gold better than anything else, except his daughter. Midas (3. SPENT) days and often nights counting anxiously the pieces of gold he (4. COLLECTED или HAD COLLECTED). Once when he (5. WAS COUNTING) solemnly his money a stranger (6. ENTERED) the room. He (7. BENT) his head and (8. SAID): “Midas, (9. ARE) you really happy now that you (10. HAVE COLLECTED) so much gold which it (11. IS) difficult (12. TO WEIGH)?” “No,” (13. MUMBLED) Midas. “I WILL never (14. BE) happy until everything that I (15. TOUCH) (16. BECOMES) gold.” “You shall have what you wish!” (17. PROMISED) the stranger. The next morning while Midas (18. WAS DRESSING) he (19. NOTICED) that his clothes (20. TURNED) into gold. He (21. WENT) into the garden. He (22. WALKED) there for an hour and everything he (23. TOUCHED) (24. BECAME) gold at once. After he (25. WALKED) along his favourite path Midas (26. TURNED) to the house. Suddenly his daughter (27. CAME) in sight. It was clear she (28. HAD BEEN WORKING) in the garden for some time already as she (29. HAS PLANTED) a lot of flowers. She (30. RUN) to her father and (31. TOOK) his hand. She (32. TURNED) to gold at once. “What HAVE I (33. DONE)?” (34. CRIED) Midas. “I always (35. WANTED) more and more gold. I (36. DREAMT) about more riches. I (37. WAS) wrong Gold (38. IS) not the most important thing in the world. It HAS never (39. BEEN), it never will be.”
“You shall have what you wish!” (17. PROMISED) the stranger.
The next morning while Midas (18. WAS DRESSING) he (19. NOTICED) that his clothes (20. TURNED) into gold. He (21. WENT) into the garden. He (22. WALKED) there for an hour and everything he (23. TOUCHED) (24. BECAME) gold at once. After he (25. WALKED) along his favourite path Midas (26. TURNED) to the house. Suddenly his daughter (27. CAME) in sight. It was clear she (28. HAD BEEN WORKING) in the garden for some time already as she (29. HAS PLANTED) a lot of flowers. She (30. RUN) to her father and (31. TOOK) his hand. She (32. TURNED) to gold at once. “What HAVE I (33. DONE)?” (34. CRIED) Midas. “I always (35. WANTED) more and more gold. I (36. DREAMT) about more riches. I (37. WAS) wrong Gold (38. IS) not the most important thing in the world. It HAS never (39. BEEN), it never will be.”
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Питательные вещества * * * в листьях и плодах.
d части растений и некоторые плоды * * * на землю.
2 мертвые части растений и сын
приходят листья и плоды * * * от животных.
4 Некоторые пожиратели растений * * * птицами.
5 помет животных и мертвецов
животные * * * на землю.
6 насекомые и бактерии
*** остатки.
7 питательных веществ * * * в корнях. О м Джонс
Я свою работу выполнил тебе только остаёться подумать!