Найти 5 ошибок Many people think that recycling is a new thing, but in fact, humans used to recycle things in 400 B. C.! Scientists recently used
to discover that people in Turkey reused glass. Later, in 1031, the
Japanese used to start recycling paper.
In times when people were poor, they didn't used to throw things
away. Just before the industrial revolution (1760-1830), people use
to melt and recycle metals. But during the industrial revolution,
things suddenly became cheaper and easier to make, so there was
less recycling
Nowadays we recycle because we know more about
environmental problems. So while your grandparents used to
recycled because they had to, we now recycle because we should.
Также у нас есть огромный школьный двор. Там есть маленькая футбольная площадка, различные турники. Когда бывает теплая погода, наши уроки физкультуры проходят там.
Приезжай ко мне в гости и я покажу тебе мою школу.
Dear Alex! Hello! I want to tell you about my school. The building my school is red. It has 4 floors. My classes begin at 8.30. I'm in the 7th grade. We study a lot of subjects. I like history, literature and mathematics. Our school has a large sports hall. In it we physical education. And some guys go in the sections of basketball, volleyball and football. Our school participates in various competitions, and sometimes wins them. We also have a huge school yard. There is a small football pitch, various climbing frames. When the weather is warm, our physical education classes are held there. Come to visit me and I'll show you my school.
2.My parents make me to do my homework properly every day . I think because my father wants me to become a lawyer . And my mother wants me to become a decent man .
3.My parents make me to do my bed myself . I think it is because we have no a house worker. And my parents want me to become more independent person .
4.My parents make me to go in for sport .I think it is because my father was a good wrestler in his youth .And my mother was a good basketball player, She was the captain of school team .
1.My parents don't make me to work . I think it is because I am just 13 years old . And my mother and father work themselves.
2.My parents don't make me to wear the clothes they want .I can wear what I want and choose by myself. I think it is because my clothes are not so bright and vulgar.
3.My parents don't make me to get up early in the morning. I think it is because I usually study hard and must have some rest on the weekends.
4.My parents don't make to cook .I think it is because my mother doesn't want to be poisoned and my father likes only what my mother cooks .