i have chosen biology for my exam. it is very interesting. i like biology very much. at this lesson i learn about plants and animals. i was very happy when i listened about exam three days ago. i came home and began repeated the whole biology textbook. it was very interesting. the next day i came to my school. we had written exam. it was good. i think that it is esier then oral. the exam wasn't very difficult. i also helped to my friends to write exam.
i have chosen biology for my exam. it is very interesting. i like biology very much. at this lesson i learn about plants and animals. i was very happy when i listened about exam three days ago. i came home and began repeated the whole biology textbook. it was very interesting. the next day i came to my school. we had written exam. it was good. i think that it is esier then oral. the exam wasn't very difficult. i also helped to my friends to write exam.
не знаю, что можно ещё добавить. надеюсь это : )
1.Kak chasto vy yedite za odnim stolom s roditelyami?
2. Kak chasto vy yedite fast-fud?
3. Kak vy dumayete, polufabrikaty - eto fast-fud?
4. Chto vy znayete o traditsionnoy britanskoy kukhne?
5. Naskol'ko britanskaya yeda otlichayetsya ot yedy v vashey strane?
6. Kak vy dumayete, britanskiye pishchevyye privychki zdorovy?
7. Schitayete li vy, chto privychki k yede v vashey strane zdorovy?
8. Chto vy znayete o vegetarianskoy pishchevoy yede?
9. Kakoye tvoye lyubimoye blyudo?
10. Chto vy obychno yedite na zavtrak, obed i uzhin?