Необходимо вставить в пробелы нижеприведенные слова либо производные от них. Слова, которые нужно вставить: high/usual/energetic/day/week/month/fast 1) Jason should take part in the swimming competition. He can swim very FAST. Джейсону стоит принять участие в соревновании по плаванию. Он может плавать очень БЫСТРО. 2) Athletics is just right for Robert. He runs very well and can jump very HIGH. Легкая атлетика подходит для Роберта. Он бегает очень хорошо и может прыгать очень ВЫСОКО. 3) It was a bad game for John, but USUALLY he plays very well. Это была плохая игра для Джона, но ОБЫЧНО (производное слово от USUAL (обычный)) он играет очень хорошо. 4) It was an exciting game and the fans supported their teams ENERGETICALLY Это была захватывающая игра, и болельщики поддержали их команды ЭНЕРГИЧНО (производное слово от ENERGETIC (энергичный)).
PRESENT DAY SCHOOLS ARE IN PERMANENT PROGRESS. i think that an important change will be to introduce the elecronic learning because nowadays teenagers sit at their computers very much time... this change will attract pupils to have an interest in learning at their computers.. a very usefull change will be to reduce the number of disciplines in schools because these are very difficult... I will propose to introduce more extracurricular activities such as sport activities, dance, music, and others... i think that these changes can make an easier learning, more effective and more interesting educating.
Слова, которые нужно вставить: high/usual/energetic/day/week/month/fast 1) Jason should take part in the swimming competition. He can swim very FAST. Джейсону стоит принять участие в соревновании по плаванию. Он может плавать очень БЫСТРО.
2) Athletics is just right for Robert. He runs very well and can jump very HIGH. Легкая атлетика подходит для Роберта. Он бегает очень хорошо и может прыгать очень ВЫСОКО.
3) It was a bad game for John, but USUALLY he plays very well. Это была плохая игра для Джона, но ОБЫЧНО (производное слово от USUAL (обычный)) он играет очень хорошо.
4) It was an exciting game and the fans supported their teams ENERGETICALLY Это была захватывающая игра, и болельщики поддержали их команды ЭНЕРГИЧНО (производное слово от ENERGETIC (энергичный)).
PRESENT DAY SCHOOLS ARE IN PERMANENT PROGRESS. i think that an important change will be to introduce the elecronic learning because nowadays teenagers sit at their computers very much time... this change will attract pupils to have an interest in learning at their computers.. a very usefull change will be to reduce the number of disciplines in schools because these are very difficult... I will propose to introduce more extracurricular activities such as sport activities, dance, music, and others... i think that these changes can make an easier learning, more effective and more interesting educating.