ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста. 1) What are tales? 2) What do tales depict? 3) Who unites four well-known English legends in this book? 4) What kind of man is Jack? 5) Whom could he win? Why? Does Jack show the best features of a simple man? 7) Why does Jack arouse our sympathy? We offer to the young readers four well-known Eng - Jack the Giant-K legends, which are united by one hero Each tale shows him as a brave, clever, kind and get young man. He is a farmer's son and he always helps common people. Jack is quick-witted and fearless He could the selfish, cruel and strong giants. He always knows what
Ku say and what to do. Jack embodies the best features of a simple man. He's very popular folk character. Even now he arouses our symput due to his kind heart, cleverness and bravery.
Where is a handshake is part of a standard greeting?
Why is shaking hands with a Guatemalan woman done only at her discretion?
Where is being punctual for all appointments, including meetings?
This is especially true in Germany and New Zealand.
In what country isn't punctuality strictly observed ?
Where should business attire be elegant and fashionable?
What is based on chivalry, a code based on the its origins in the military code of etiquette, which is based on hierarchy and power?
Who goes fist when he or she is exiting an elevator?
How many women believe they cannot be perceived as equal if they are treated chivalrously?