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01.06.2023 17:26 •  Английский язык

Paula had always wanted to go to New York and now she had the chance at last. She was a journalist, and her newspaper was sending her there to do a series of articles on the city. But before she left her home in London, several friends warned her to be careful and not to go out alone at night in New York. “It’s a dangerous place. People get robbed or even killed on broad daylight!” they told her. But when she got there, the only thing she was afraid of having exhaustion. It was such an exciting city that she never got any sleep. It took her two weeks to do the articles and she had to interview a lot of people but she enjoyed every minute of it. She completely forgot all her friends’ warnings until the day she went back to London. It all began in a bar.

She was having lunch there when she suddenly felt someone watching her. She looked up and noticed a man sitting at a table opposite her. He was staring at her, but looked away. She noticed that he had a scar on his cheek. He was about 30 and had short, curly hair. Paula was not worried at all. She had to go to an airline office to rebook her flight home. She wanted an afternoon flight instead of a morning one, as originally planned. On her way there, she stopped to look at something in a shop-window. To her surprise she saw the man follow her. She could see his reflection in the glass. He had stopped just behind her. Suddenly she felt afraid. She walked on. Then she stopped and looked behind her again. But this time she could not see him.

Just then she noticed she had come to the airline office. She went in and after she had finished her business, decided to phone a friend from a telephone booth there. She was carrying a small, portable but very expensive tape-recorder. It was in a black case in which she kept her money and passport as well. But the booth was so small that she had to leave the case outside. When she came out, it had disappeared. Then she saw the red-haired man hurrying out of the office. He had the case in his hand. She shouted but it was too late.

2. Listen to the text Are the following statements about the text true or false?
Change the false statements to make them true
12. Paula was sent to New York by her newspaper to do a series of articles on
the city
13.Several friends advised her to go out at night in New York because it is a
wonderful city
14.Paola was afraid of being robbed.
15. It took her two weeks to do the articles.
16.It all began in a hotel
17. When she was having lunch, she felt someone watching her.
18.The man with a scar on his lips was staring at her.
19. The second time she saw the man with the scar in a shop-window.
20. After she had finished her business, she decided to phone a friend from a
telephone booth
21. She took her case with money and her passport to the booth.
22. The man with the sear had her case in his hand,​

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08.02.2023 11:35
I would like to tell you about Polina Gagarina (смотри ниже) and Lionel Messi, who is one of the best footballers  of nowadays and one of the best football players of all times! He was the best player in the world in the years 2009-2012. (на выбор)))
Lionel Messi was born in June 1987 in the city of Rosario, in Argentina. He has two brothers and a sister. Two of his cousins are also footballers. His father's family comes from Italy, but the ancestors moved to Argentina in 1883.
Messi stared playing football when he was 5 years old. His father, a factory worker, was his first coach. Messi's grandmother wanted him to become a footballer and she herself brought Lionel to sport club trainings. Later on Lionel often devoted his first goals to her.
When the boy was 11 his family moved to Barselona. At 13 Lionel became a member of "Barselona" club team to which he belongs up to now.
Lionel Messi is married and has two sons.
Together with his team he won a lot of Europian and World Championships.
As the best player he was awarded 5 times the prize "The Gold Ball" and one prize "The Diamond Ball". The newspapers wrote: "...His legs are like Maradona's, his speed is like Crowford's and he passes like Ronaldinio"

Я хочу рассказать о Лионеле Месси, который является одним из лучших футболистов современности и одним из лучших игроков всех времен! Он был лучшим игроком в мире в 2009-2012 годах.Лионель Месси родился в июне 1987 года в городе Росарио, в Аргентине. У него есть два брата и сестра. Двое его кузенов также футболисты. Семья его отца родом  из Италии, но предки переехали в Аргентину в 1883 году.Месси начал играть в футбол, когда ему было 5 лет. Его отец, рабочий фабрики, был его первым тренером. Бабушка Месси хотела, чтобы он стал футболистом, и она сама водила Лайонела на спортивные тренировки клуба. Позже Лионель часто посвящал ей свои первые голы.Когда мальчику было 11 лет, его семья переехала в Барселону. В 13 лет Лионель стал членом команды клуба "Барселона", которому он принадлежит до сих пор.Лионель Месси женат и имеет двух сыновей.Вместе со своей командой он выиграл много чемпионатов Европы и мира.Как лучший игрок он был награжден 5 раз премией "Золотой мяч" и призом "Бриллиантовый мяч". Газеты писали: "...его ноги, как у Марадоны, его скорость, как у Кроуфорда и его пассы как у Рональдинио"

Full name: Polina Gagarina
Country: Russia 
Date of birth: 27 March,1987 (Saratov)
Family: She's married; Son: Andrew.
Hobbies: Singing and writing songs.
Polina Gagarina is a Russian pop singer, songwriter, actress and model.
In the year two thousand three Polina Gagarina took part in the television project "Star Factory 2". She won the contest. She starred in  five films. She has eighteen of her own clips. Polina Gagarina speaks Greek.
In the contest "New Wave"- she won the 3rd place.
In the contest "Folk star"- she won the 2nd place.
In May 2015 she represented Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2015, where she won 2nd place.
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24.10.2022 03:35

Мы были на день рождение у моей одноклассницы Ксюши. она очень добрая и веселая девочка. на день рождения пришли мои друзья и весь наш класс. там было очень много разных подарков. у Ксюши на день рождения был большой торт, суши и многое другое. мы все играли в настольные игры. нам было очень весело. этот праздник я не забуду. мы хорошо отдохнули и поиграли со всеми ребятами!

We were on the birthday of my classmate Ksyusha. she is a very kind and cheerful girl. my friends and our whole class came to my birthday. there were many different gifts. Ksyusha had a big cake, sushi and much more for his birthday. we all played board games. we had a lot of fun. I will not forget this holiday. we had a good rest and played with all the guys!

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