Передайте cпециальные вопросы в косвенной речи 1He said:” Where did I put the book?”
2They said:” Where can we buy a dictionary?”
3I said:”What kind of book has your friend, brought you?”
4He asked:” When is he leaving school?”
5She asked:” When will he come?”
6He said:” What time does the train start?”
7He said:” Why didn’t you come here, yesterday?”
2. A barrister …should not work in a court without a brief from a solicitor.
3. The publisher must… get the Proprietors’ consent in writing beforehand.
4. People should… learn more about their rights so that they know what laws protect them from abuse.
5. Some companies may… be subject to enormous claims.
6. Self-employed barristers work in offices called chambers, and can… have their own office or share one with other barristers
7. In Europe, most countries insist that the citizens who keep wealth outside the territory where they live will have… to pay tax on it, sooner or later.