В понедельник дж.баркер в половину восьмого. Он пошел в ванную комнату,принял душ,оделся и пошел на кухню позавтракать. Он не пьет молоко по утрам на завтрак. Он ест яйцо и пьет чай. В 8:50 Джон готов пойти в школу. Автобус ная остановка находится перед его домом. Джон встретил своего друга около автобусной остановки. Они пошли в школу вместе. У мальчиков обычно пять уроков в понедельник. В школе они Читают книги,поют песни, бегают и прыгают. После обеда в половину первого у них обед. Джон обычно ест яблоко,пирожное и молоко. Они идут домой в половину пятого.
Environment is the natural habitat that surrounds us everywhere. Over the last decades people have built so many harmful factories that environment started to suffer. Some environmental problems are really urgent in modern society. The problems we are facing air pollution, water pollution, global warming, nuclear pollution, the disappearance of certain animal species, etc. There are numerous reasons for such vast pollution of the surrounding environment on our planet. First of all, today there are so many petrol-driven cars in the streets. In search of newer and newer inventions people have completely forgotten that natural resources are limited. We can’t continue exhaling harmful gases into the atmosphere. Such human behavior leads not only to air pollution but also to global warming. This problem really touches all countries in the world and is considered to be global. We have never had such warm winters before. Besides, the glaciers are melting. It is one of the most serious problems in the modern world. Some scientists state that global warming is the result of industrial revolution. Other urgent problems include water pollution and waste of certain natural resources. Water pollution is mostly the result of factory wastes. If we had reasonably treated such natural resources as water, forest, soil, our planet would be in a better shape today. Unfortunately, not everyone cares about nature and many people think that natural resources will never end.