Перепишите следующие предложения по-другому. сделайте все необходимые изменения. существует пример для вас в самом начале. 0) it's dangerous to swim in loch ness. loch ness is dangerous to swim in. 1) it's exciting to watch may day celebrations! - 2) is it easy to choose may 3) it's not difficult to make a bracelet of 4) is it interesting to take part in cross - cultural 5) it's not easy to win the wimbledon cup 6) it is not healthy for little children to play computer
2. Is May Queen easy to choose?
3. A bracelet of friendship is not difficult to make.
4. Cross - cultural projects are interesting to take part in.
5. The Wimbledon CUP Final is not easy to win.
6. Playing computer games is not healthy for little children.