Football and swimming are two wonderful sport but the sports have their differences for swimming you are in water and not on land 2.You need to quickly plautia in football, everything is Vice versa 1. You walk and run on earth 2. In swimming, can only swim a football and run and score the ball into the goal unless you're the goalkeeper.That's all the differences between swimming and football.
Русская версия.
Футбол и плаванье два замечательных вида спорта но в этих видах спорта есть свои отличия например:1.в плавание ты находишся в воде а не на суше 2.Надо быстро плаватьа в футболе все наоборот 1. Ты ходишь и бегаешь по земле 2. В плаванье можно только плавать а в футболе и бегать и забивать мяч в ворота если ты конечно не вратарь.Вот и все отличия плавания и футбола.
1 Well, I use the internet every day. I need it to know some new information or reads useful articles. It definitely helps me to develop myself and just to be in trend.
2 Yes. I always take it with me. It's comfortable, because I stay in touch with anyone at anytime. It helps me to surf the internet too.
3. Certainly, my computer takes a big part of my life . It helps me in everything. I can read and send some messages and audio snippets, watch some films and shows, play computer games . Using the internet I can find all I need, from learning Japanese to cooking. The computer is definitely an integral part of my life .
4. Yes, I have my account on social network. I've created an account since 2010. It's called "McUsefull 99".
5. I know about internet shopping. Actually, I use this application not very often. I understand, it's rather convenient to order something through the internet, but I prefer to look at my purchases with my own eyes. I need to touch things before buying. I'm not lazy to drop into the Mall and look around there. I like shopping, but not in the net.
Football and swimming are two wonderful sport but the sports have their differences for swimming you are in water and not on land 2.You need to quickly plautia in football, everything is Vice versa 1. You walk and run on earth 2. In swimming, can only swim a football and run and score the ball into the goal unless you're the goalkeeper.That's all the differences between swimming and football.
Русская версия.
Футбол и плаванье два замечательных вида спорта но в этих видах спорта есть свои отличия например:1.в плавание ты находишся в воде а не на суше 2.Надо быстро плаватьа в футболе все наоборот 1. Ты ходишь и бегаешь по земле 2. В плаванье можно только плавать а в футболе и бегать и забивать мяч в ворота если ты конечно не вратарь.Вот и все отличия плавания и футбола.
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1 Well, I use the internet every day. I need it to know some new information or reads useful articles. It definitely helps me to develop myself and just to be in trend.
2 Yes. I always take it with me. It's comfortable, because I stay in touch with anyone at anytime. It helps me to surf the internet too.
3. Certainly, my computer takes a big part of my life . It helps me in everything. I can read and send some messages and audio snippets, watch some films and shows, play computer games . Using the internet I can find all I need, from learning Japanese to cooking. The computer is definitely an integral part of my life .
4. Yes, I have my account on social network. I've created an account since 2010. It's called "McUsefull 99".
5. I know about internet shopping. Actually, I use this application not very often. I understand, it's rather convenient to order something through the internet, but I prefer to look at my purchases with my own eyes. I need to touch things before buying. I'm not lazy to drop into the Mall and look around there. I like shopping, but not in the net.