Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на функции participle i (active): 1 using this equipment we can obtain good results. 2 the substance affecting a magnetic field was metallic. 3 discussing engineering materials, first of all, we have to classify them. 4 the plant producing this products must be renewed. 5 raising the temperature, we increase the agitation of the molecules.
2. The companies selling consumer goods recognize the importance ..of. consumer preferences; they spend over $40 billion ..per. a year.in.. the US .on.. advertising trying to direct consumer preferences .to.. their own products.
3. An increase or a decrease .in.. total revenue may follow .-.. a price rise and a decrease .in.. the quantity produced accompanying it. The effect depends .on.. which change is larger - the change .in.. price or the change .in.. the quantity produced.
4. After a particular market is defined ..in. terms .of.. its product and its geographic area, the economist can study the workings..of. demand and supply .in.. that particular market.
5. As the price ..of. a good increases, consumers can buy less .of.. all goods, including ..-. the good whose price has risen.
6. Opportunity costs and amounts paid .towards.. all resources are included .in.. total costs.
7. The output..of. beer..in. Russia's largest beer maker, Baltika Brewery, grew.up to .. 30 percent .from.. 1999 .till.. the previous year.
8. ..in. 1999, industrial production ..in. Russia increased..by. 7.9 percent but the output..of. agricultural sector decreased ..by. 0.6 percent compared .to.. 1998 level.
9. Every field, economics.in.. particular, has its "schools" and groups. "Liberal" economists believe .in.. market system opportunities. But they also believe .in.. government support and regulation .of.. an economy. "Classical liberals" or the "Chicago Group" rely ..on. people's private choices as the rational basis .of.. the economic system. "Radical" economists, including ..-. Marxists and other critics, believe that free-market capitalism must result.in.. depressions and mass unemployment. They assume that governments must run .-.. all economic units and make all economic decisions.
2. No, wasn't.As I said If you are frienship, friends will come yourself.
3.The school uniform isn't so bad.But If you don't like disine of it, change it.Be yourself and create something new that anothers could admire you.