Переведите текст в Passive Voice This oil painting shows a country scene. It is a portrait of a group of field workers collecting grapes. The background is sky and open countryside. In the foreground, a man on a cart pulled by two oxen takes up the left side of the painting and a group of women carrying baskets is on the right. The colours are mostly green, red and blue in natural shades and the picture looks very realistic
A distinctive feature of the family spectacled bear is also not typical bearish views the structure of the skeleton. So all bears 14 pairs of ribs, and the spectacled bear only 13 par. Thanks to archeological research has found out that in the subfamily Tremarctos this beast is the only living representative. What is more, this subfamily include the big one, but extinct fellow - giant short-faced bear, it was the largest ever lived on the planet bears.
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