Phrasal verbs keep
to keep back - 1) оставлять, откладывать / to conceal/
2) скрывать, задерживать, утаивать / to refuse to tell somebody something/
keep off – 1 )держаться в отдалении, не подпускать / to stay away from./
2) избегать, не касаться (темы) / not to talk about a particular subject/
keep on - продолжать, / to continue with something/
keep out of - держаться подальше, избегать/ not to get involved in something.
to keep up with - не отставать, держаться наравне
коут ов амз ов нью ˈзилэнд
зэ фёст стейт ˈемблэм ов нью ˈзилэнд
ит уоз ˈентэд ин 1911. ин зэ ˈкантри юзд ит
фо 45 йиэз зен зэ ˈкэриктэ уоз
ит из риˈплейст зис ˈвёшэн уёкс энд ˈпрезнтли,
ит ˌреприˈзентс э бод уич уиз уан
зэ сайдз ит из риˈтейнд бай зэ блонд ˈуумэн, энд уиз
эˈназэ * зэ ˈсоулджэр ов ˈмaури ˈоувэр ит ˈсетлз дaун
сейнт eduard's крaун энд фром биˈлоу * ту ˈбранчиз
фён коут ов амз, эз уэл эз флэг ов нью ˈзилэнд,
хи из ˈвери мач исˈтимд ин зис ˈкантри, хиэ
ˈсимбэлайзиз кэˈмитмэнт ов инˈхэбитэнтс ту
ˈмонэки энд ˈолсоу ˈхамэни зэт ит диˈвелэпт
биˈтуин зэ ˈлоукэл ˈпипл
1. the poincaré conjecture.
in 2002, the russian mathematician grigori perelman proved the poincaré conjecture. this is a very serious discovery in mathematics. it was one of the seven tasks of the millennium. for this work, he received the prestigious fields medal, an analogue of the nobel prize in mathematics.
2. quantum clock.
quantum clocks are the most accurate chronometer in the world, surpassing all previously existing ones. nobel laureates of 2012 serge arosh and david wineland made a discovery that allowed to overcome the quantum barrier.
3. the discovery of eris.
the eris is the second after the massive pluto massive dwarf planet of the solar system. it was the discovery of eris from pluto that ceased to be the ninth planet, and passed into the category of "dwarf".
4. created the first synthetic bacterial cell.
in 2010, scientists from the craig venter institute created the first fully synthetic chromosome with the genome. when it was embedded in a bacterial cell devoid of genetic material, it began to function and divide according to the laws prescribed by the new genome.
5. higgs boson.
this was experimental evidence of the existence of the higgs boson. the practical significance of the discovery of the higgs boson is that scientists are opening up prospects for the development of anti-gravity and the development of engines that do not require energy to operate.