Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: К
каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами A-G, подберите соответствующий заголовок,
обозначенный цифрами 1-8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть
один лишний заголовок.
Mga salite pa
1. Becoming a career coach 5. Showing "can-do" opportunities
2. Believe in yourself
6. It never hurts to ask
3. Initial discussion 7. Want to change work- ask the professional
4. Get set for success
8. Practice makes perfect.
A. Nowadays more and more people are not satisfied with what they do and start looking
for better work. Not to make things worse, many go to professional career coaches.
Career coaches or job coaches, are specialists who help employees find their dream job,
achieve career goals or become more successful in their current workplace. Career
coaches are like guides who show the right direction, help to avoid mistakes and, as a
result, improve people's work and life balance.
B. The first visit to a career coach is an interview about work experience and life goals. This
helps to understand the client's personality, his professional qualifications and how they
can be used for a future job. After the deep analysis of the client's answers, there is a
discussion session. The coach discusses strong and weak points with the client and helps
him set realistic goals. This is always done together as the final goals should satisfy both
the client and the coach.
C. Normally, the career coach helps the client to set several achievable goals. Usually, the
concern climbing the career ladder, getting a degree, receiving more responsibility at
work and getting a pay-rise. The main idea is to place clients in their comfort zone
where they enjoy the process. It energizes the client and makes him believe in himself.
It is very important to show self-improvement opportunities to the client and plant the
"l-can-do" ideas.
D. Working towards achieving goals is never easy and needs motivation, assistance and
support from the coach. Motivation can be as simple as saying 'Well done'; the coach
may also point out new career prospects that open up before the client and offer advice
how to put new experiences into practice. This is the practical stage when the coach
helps with CVs and job application forms, as well as role-plays job interviews with the
client to release potential tension and stress.
E. Finding a professional career coach is possible via the Internet. It's also useful to browse
Internet forums for recommendations from those who have already worked with career
coaches. As hiring career coaches is very popular now, your friends may well be using
this professional service already, So consulting them can also be of help. Never hesitate
to ask the coach about their qualifications and philosophy because you and your
potential life adviser should make a perfect match.
F. If you want to become a job coach yourself, it is wise to start with the proper education
both in the business and psychology spheres. You can choose one of many organizations
which provide training, read professional literature where you will learn more about the
necessary qualifications and job requirements. If you have any previous experience in
Terrible truth
We all enjoy relaxing on the beach, but these days you will most likely find much more than just sand and sea! Many of the thousands of people who visit the beaches each year leave behind food wrappers, cigarette butts, cans of drinks and toys such as buckets, shovels and beach balls. This garbage doesn't just look awful - it's dangerous!
Litter harms wildlife and people
Marine mammals, such as seals, sea lions and dolphins, like to see unusual objects in the sea. This is how they mix in the manure, which injures them and prevents them from finding food or swimming away from their enemies. sea turtles often eat plastic bags because they look like jellyfish. Then it fills the turtle's digestive system and makes it feel full, so it stops eating and starves. Every year, 100,000 marine mammals and almost a million seabirds die from either falling or eating debris! Many of these creatures are already endangered or endangered species. In addition, garbage is dangerous to humans because it can be cut on glass or metal.
So ... the next time you go to the beach, make sure you are part of the solution, NOT the problem! Take all your trash with you and think about taking any other trash you may see around you.
1) 1. Left (от leave — оставить) — оставил
2. Got him back (от get back — возвращать) — вернул его
3. Came across (от come across — наткнуться, встретить) — наткнулся
4. Recognize — узнавать, признавать
5. Remember — помнить, вспомнить
6. Forget — забыть
7. Looking forward to (от look forward to) — жду с нетерпением, не могу дождаться
8. Belonged to (от belong) — принадлежали
9. Found (от find) — нашёл
10. Reminds (от remind) — напоминать
11. Keeping (от keep) — храню
12. Got rid of them (от get rid of) — избавился от них
13. Look back on — огладываться на, вспоминать
A — Грег
B — Дин
C — Хлоя
D — Амели
E — Эрин
F — Ханна
2) Амели: Когда я была маленькой, мы поехали на каникулы в Шотландию и я оставила своего плюшевого мишку в отеле. Впоследствии мне его вернули, но в отеле было пятнадцать потерянных кем-то плюшевых медвежат, так что мне пришлось отправить им описание своего.
Эрин: Я случайно нашла его (фото) в коробке со старыми фотографиями на чердаке. Сначала я не узнала саму себя, да и не помню этот день, потому что была слишком маленькой. Но думаю, это фото милое, так что я вставила его в рамку.
Ханна: Недавно я нашла этот браслет с Гластонберийского фестиваля. Мой отец взял меня туда с собой, когда мне было четырнадцать. Это непередаваемый (досл.: замечательный) опыт: никогда не забуду, как видела поющую вживую Адель! Следующим летом мы опять собираемся туда. Не могу дождаться!
Дин: Я очень расстроился, когда потерял эти часы, потому что они принадлежали моему дедушке. К счастью, на неделе я их нашёл, за шкафом. Они действительно особенные, потому что напоминают мне о нём.
Грег: Жаль, что я не сохранил свои старые фигурки из «Звёздных войн». Они стояли (досл.: имелись) у меня много лет, но, когда отец попросил прибраться в комнате, я по глупости избавился от них. Теперь они утеряны навсегда, но, возможно, они стоили каких-то денег.
Хлоя: Я купила (досл.: получила) это, когда была на каникулах в Эквадоре. Обычно я не храню сувениры, но этот мне очень нравится. Я часто вспоминаю ту поездку: она была потрясающей.
3) 1. Adel performed at that festival.
2. Her father took her there.
3. She got it in Ecuador.
4. A watch belonged to hid grandad.
5. He got rid of his Star Wars action figures.
6. There were fifteen teddy bears.