Let’s try to imagine the world without education, without any schools, colleges and universities. What would that be like? No school means no knowledge and skills. No university means no doctors, no engineers and no scientists. Therefore, it means no development and no inventions. Would you like to live in the world that is deteriorating? The answer is quite obvious: it’s vitally important to study and get an education.
Nowadays there’re different kinds of education, but the most wide-spread is still the traditional one that includes the set of establishments providing education. For the vast majority of people, the first step is a primary school where students get the basic skills of reading, writing and counting. The next stage is secondary school which gives broad knowledge about various subjects and prepares students for future professional education. At the end of the last form school children take exams and after school graduation they have several options: to stop studying and get a job or get professional education in college or university. Students’ life is not easy because they have to take exams every term and study hard to succeed. Nevertheless, most people remember students’ years as the best time of their lives, full of fun and entertainment.
However, modern world is full of new opportunities to get education. More and more schools and universities provide on-line courses and trainings. It has some advantages for sure, because you study in a comfortable place at comfortable time. Also, some alternative ways are becoming more and more popular, e.g. home education or some approaches connected with developing the mind without books and strict systems.
As for me, I’m fully convinced that, no matter what kind of education you support, it’s necessary to study and develop your skills, to use the experience of others to create your own ideas in order to implement them to life.
Британцы известны как большие любители спорта и потому,когда они ни во что не играют и не смотрят игры,они говорят о них. Многие современные игры пришли к нам из Британии. Одна из любимейших английских игр -- крикет. В неё играют в школах,колледжах,университетах и клубах по всей стране. Лето не лето без него. Для многих англичан крикет -- не только игра,но и стандарт поведения. Когда им что-то кажется несправедливым,они иногда говорят:"Это не крикет." Но,как и почти во всём мире,есть ещё одна игра,привлекающая внимание: футбол,он же соккер. Каждую субботу с конца августа до начала мая толпы людей болеют за свою любимую команду в мире футбола. Настоящие фанаты путешествуют из одного конца страны в другой чтобы увидеть игру своей команды. По всей Британии множество профессиональных и любительских футбольных клубов. Международные футбольные матчи и финалы Кубка проходят на стадионе Уэмбли. Регби тоже очень популярен,но играют в него в основном любители. В зрительских симпатиях за футболом следует конная езда. Многие люди заинтересованы в скачках и рискуют своими деньгами,ставя их на ту лошадь,которая,по их мнению,выиграет. Дерби,возможно,самое известное одиночное спортивное мероприятие во всём мире. Британия известна гонками на авто,собачьими бегами,греблей и даже обезьяньими бегами. Знаменитые соревнования по гребле между командами Оксфорда и Кембриджа привлекают массу людей. Многие играют в теннис и смотрят его. Турнир по теннису в Уимблдоне известен на весь мир. Неисчислимые теннисные корты Британии заняты людьми от 16 до 60 лет с разными степенями навыков -- от практически бес до профессионалов.
Let’s try to imagine the world without education, without any schools, colleges and universities. What would that be like? No school means no knowledge and skills. No university means no doctors, no engineers and no scientists. Therefore, it means no development and no inventions. Would you like to live in the world that is deteriorating? The answer is quite obvious: it’s vitally important to study and get an education.
Nowadays there’re different kinds of education, but the most wide-spread is still the traditional one that includes the set of establishments providing education. For the vast majority of people, the first step is a primary school where students get the basic skills of reading, writing and counting. The next stage is secondary school which gives broad knowledge about various subjects and prepares students for future professional education. At the end of the last form school children take exams and after school graduation they have several options: to stop studying and get a job or get professional education in college or university. Students’ life is not easy because they have to take exams every term and study hard to succeed. Nevertheless, most people remember students’ years as the best time of their lives, full of fun and entertainment.
However, modern world is full of new opportunities to get education. More and more schools and universities provide on-line courses and trainings. It has some advantages for sure, because you study in a comfortable place at comfortable time. Also, some alternative ways are becoming more and more popular, e.g. home education or some approaches connected with developing the mind without books and strict systems.
As for me, I’m fully convinced that, no matter what kind of education you support, it’s necessary to study and develop your skills, to use the experience of others to create your own ideas in order to implement them to life.