Reading Task 1.Read the text. Write true or false.
1 Johanna and Klara go to school in Stockholm.
1 First Aid Kit is the name of a pop group. They are two sisters called Johanna and Klara Soderberg. They
are from Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.
2 Klara plays the guitar and they both sing. They sing great songs. They play concerts all over the world
and sell a lot of records. They love their jobs!
3 Their father is a teacher, but he's a musician too. He plays with them in their concerts. He plays the
guitar. He's their producer too, so he helps them make their records. They've got one little brother. He is
at home with their mother.
4 They're good at English and they can speak a lot of other languages too: German, Danish and French.
Johanna also speaks Japanese. Klara likes books and films but she doesn't like sport.
5 They're tall! And they've got fair hair. "Our parents are tall - people in Sweden are quite tall."
a) intense, static, obvious, similar, external, stable, resemble, hungry, am biguous, different, internal, dynamic, differ, dim, reversible, satiated.
b) sense, conscious, related, compatible, fortunate, aware, ambiguous, proper, continuous, rational, similar, adequacy, lead v., interpret, reasonable, unreasonable, unïambiguous, discontinuous, improper, dissimilar, inadeïquacy, unrelated, incompatible, unaware, misinterpret, unfortunate, mislead, unconscious, irrational, nonsense.
sum up the prefixes giving the opposite meaning.te

Money Is The Biggest Motivator Commerce Essay
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Published: Mon, 5 Dec 2016
Money is the biggest motivator of people at the workplace. Most people are motivated by money. According to Alison Griffiths, journalist of Metro Canada, survey showed that 53 percent of Baby Boomers in Canada did want to earn more money while 32 percent of them did plan to open a own business after retirement to earn more money too. Besides that, Reuters (2012) also stated that 31.4 percent of Americans aged from 65 to 69 were still working in year 2010, compared to year 1990 with a lower percentage which is 21 percent. These showed that Baby Boomers value money as an important motivation factor. For example, A Generation X employee tells a Boomer manager that he had been working too hard and request for taking an off for family vacation. Instead of saying thanks, the Boomer replies, “I work to get ahead, to get a promotion, not for a vacation.” The Boomer manager then gave the employee a bonus, rather than a vacation (Hammill, G., 2005). In contrast, Generation X seek a work-life balance where they will take less money if they are given opportunity to work lesser hours and have time off to spend with family or take a vacation. For them, money act as an incentive or reward but it does not add value to the job. Whilst, Boomers are attracted to position and even more money rather than placing value on vacation time or flex time. According to Mcshane (2010), Generation X and Generation Y employees expect a more egalitarian workplace. For them, money is an important factor but it is not a standalone. A study by Accenture consulting firm found that 50% of middle managers were interested in new job that provide benefits such as more time off rather than more pay (Williams, R., 2010) Thus, money is very important to employees for number of reasons. I firmly believe that money is the major and biggest motivator at the workplace. Some of the motivation theory model also explains the importance of money as a major motivator factor such as Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory, ERG Theory, Equity Theory and etc.