Differences: fathers have different hair and 1 picture he has glasses, 1 has a bear and 2 bottles, his daughters have 2 and her picture has a phone, the boy in 1 picture plays with a dog and sits at 2 and looks at him, in the pictures the dog is different, the children have different faces, the first dog with clothes and the second without clothes, and no dog has a collar
Подробнее – на Otvet.Ws – https://otvet.ya.guru/questions/7045171-look-at-the-two-pictures-of-a-family-and-find-eight-differences.html вреде бы так
1. How long have you been waiting for me?
2. What has John been doing since he returned?
3. Why haven’t you been eating meat lately?
4. There’s so much snow on the road. Has it been snowing all night?
5. Why have Sam and Mary been arguing for such a long time?
6. Have you been using my shampoo? There’s not much left.
7. How long hasn’t Jill been wearing glasses?
8. Have you been revising since you decided to take the exam?
9. Wherehas your dad been working lately?
10. Your hands are covered with chocolate. Have you been making a cake?
Подробнее – на Otvet.Ws – https://otvet.ya.guru/questions/7045171-look-at-the-two-pictures-of-a-family-and-find-eight-differences.html вреде бы так