решить задания, буду очень признателен a) find words in the text which have the same meanings as the following words:
design, kinds, motor car, omnibus, aim, to embrace, big, truck, very
much, to fulfil, application, motor, different, some;
b) find words in the text whose meanings are opposite to the meanings of the
following words:
heavy, reconstruction, industrial, small, to pull, stationary, with, external,
off the road, closed
c) replace the words in italics with the words with similar meanings:
1. There are different kinds of vehicles. 2. A truck is a vehicle with mass
over 3.5 tonnes. 3. Category ‘M’ includes motor cars. 4. The trucks vary in size
very much. 5. They fulfil different functions.
3. can, may
4. should
1. have had
2. have been playing
3. put
4. have been waiting
1. by himself
2. itself
3. for yourselves
4. by yourself
5. by ourselves
6. by themselves
7. by herself
8. by myself
1. baggage
2. official
3. insurance
4. through passport control
5. insubmersible
6. multinational
1. i'd prefer to play guitar.
2. i'd rather stay at home
3. i'd prefer to make friends
4. i'd rather drink water
1. Ракета была запущена в 2001.
2. Обнаружить айсберг - трудно.
3. Поездка была рискованной и утомительной.
4. Чтобы добраться до Сиднея по морю, надо очень много времени.
5. Во время путешествия в африку они страдали от жажды.
6. Я пытаюсь избегать супермаркетов по субботам, они всегда заполнены.
7. Шторм серьезно повредил корабль.
8. Эти ягоды съедобны.
It is the land of enjoyment!
It is the land entertainment!
It is the land for the whole family!
We invite you to visit the best and greatest amusement park in the world!
We are working for people's leisure and recreation!
We look forward to seeing you!
Парк развлечений
Это страна удовольствия!
Это страна развлечений!
Это страна для всей семьи!
Мы приглашаем вас посетить самый лучший и самый великолепный парк развлечений в мире!
Мы работаем для досуга и отдыха людей!
Мы с нетерпением ждем встречи с вами!