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02.03.2023 03:58 •  Английский язык

с английским
1. Complete the sentences. Use one of these forms:
the present simple (I work etc.) the present continuous (I am working etc.)
the past simple (I worked etc.) the past continuous (I was working etc.)

1 You can turn off the television. I (not/watch) it.
2 Last night Jenny (fall) asleep while she(read).
3 Listen! Somebody (play) the piano.
4 ‘Have you got my key?’ ‘No, I (give) it back to you.’
5 David is very lazy. H e not/like) hard work .
6 Where (your parents/go) for their holidays last year?
7 I (see) Diane yesterday. She(drive) her new car.
8 A: (you/watch) television very often?
B: No, I haven’t got a television set.
9 A: W h a t(do) at 6 o’clock last Sunday morning?
B: I was in bed asleep.
10 Andy isn’t at home very much. H e (go) away a lot.
11 I (try) to find a job at the moment. It’s very difficult.
12 I’m tired this morning. I (not/sleep) very well last night.
2. Which is right
1. ‘No, she’s on holiday.’
A. Does Sue work B. Is working Sue C. Is Sue working D. Does work Sue
2. ‘Where ?’ ‘In a village near London.’
A. lives your uncle B. does your uncle live C. your uncle lives
D. does live your uncle
3. I speak Italian but French.
A. I speak not B. I’m not speaking C. I doesn’t speak D. I don’t speak
4 ‘Where’s Tom?’ ‘ a shower at the moment.’
A. He’s having B. He have C. He has D. He has had
5 Why angry with me yesterday?
A. were you B. was you C. you were D. have you been
6 My favorite film is Cleo’s Dream. it four times.
A. I’m seeing B. I see C. I saw D. I’ve seen
7 I out last night. I was too tired.
A. don’t go B. didn’t went C. didn’t go D. haven’t gone
8 Liz is from Edinburgh. She e there all her life.
A. is living B. has lived C. lives D. lived
9 My friend for me when I arrived.
A. waited B. has waited C. was waiting D. has been waiting

3. Complete the sentences with your ideas

1. I’d go to the dentist if
2. If I could go anywhere in the world,
3. I wouldn’t be very happy if
4. I’d buy a house if
5. If I saw an accident in the street,

4. Which one is the best?
1. I’m sorry but I haven’t got timeto you now.
A. for talking B. to talk C. talking
2. Bill is always in the kitchen. He enjoys
A. cook B. to cook C. cooking

3. There’s a swimming pool near my house. I go every day.
A. to swim B. to swimming C. swimming

5. Insert the article a, the,-
1. I can’t ride___ horse.
2. sky is very clear tonight.
3. Do you live here or are you tourist?
4. What did you have for lunch?
5. Who was first President o f United States?
6. ‘What time is it?’ ‘I don’t know. I haven’t got watch.’

6. Read and answer the questions
For the first time, the government has had a serious look at the lifestyles of people in the twenty-first century. Are we a country of exercise fanatics or a nation of couch potatoes?
William Burton reports on the biggest survey of its kind into how we spend our lives.
Last year government representatives’ people's lives. Only a quarter of all Briton
questioned on what they do did some physical exercise twice a week a in a typical day. It seems that eating, sleeping and watching TV take up half the day with only twenty minutes spent on household jobs such as cleaning or ironing.
One of the most surprising things to come out of the survey is the fact that over half the people questioned watch more than two hours of television a day. In addition to this, two out of ten people admitted watching more than three hours of TV a day.
Perhaps the most worrying aspect of the survey was the lack of exercise in most.
Most people said that they exercised once a week on average. However, an astonishing one in four people said that they rarely or never exercised.
Worried doctors are now predicting a sharp increase in the number of unfit and
overweight adults. 'We must change our lifestyles right now,' said Dr Nathan Evans, ‘or we will see serious health problems in the future.'

Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1. The lifestyle survey is the largest of its kind. T/ F
2. Over two million people were questioned in the survey. T / F
3. People spend three-quarters of their day eating, sleeping and watching TV. T / F
4. Jobs around the house take twenty minutes a day for most people. T / F
5. The government recommends people exercise once a week. T / F
6. Doctors think there will be more unfit and overweight adults in the future. T / F

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29.08.2021 22:48
Advantages and disadvantages of tv.tv has good and bad sides. first of all it keeps people informed, we can learn a lot of information watching tv. we can choose programs that appeal to us more, because tv provides programs for all interests. sometimes we can relax, entertain ourselves when we are tired. advertisement on tv gives us information about different products and it makes easier to choose things to buy. when we watch tv we learn about the world, famous people and global or recent news.but tv has a lot of disadvantages. it takes a lot of time and it makes us lazy. and it’s very harmful for our health, especially eyes. some violent programs and films make people violent. violence becomes a vital problem. there is too much advertisement on tv. sometimes it can encourage us to buy things we don’t need at all. watching tv takes most of free time of almost all people. we just watch it, we do not concentrate, and, finally, we waste time.in my opinion people need something like informational center. as for me i watch tv about one hour a day. i watch it when i want to learn news or relax and entertain myself. people need tv, but it can’t be the main thing in their life. it’s interesting, but not the main thing in our life.i don’t really know what we must do to make tv better. i think we can do nothing. we just should not sit hour by hour watching tv. i think we must watch only the most important and interesting things. because if we see everything we’ll become mad.  преимущества и недостатки телевидения.телевизор имеет хорошие и плохие стороны. прежде всего, это держит людей в курсе, мы можем узнать много информации, просмотра телевизора. мы можем выбрать программы, которые обращаются к нам больше, потому что телевизор предоставляет программ для всех интересов. иногда мы можем расслабиться, развлекать нас, когда мы устали. реклама на телевидении дает нам информацию о различных продуктах и это делает легче выбрать вещи для покупки. когда мы смотрим телевизор, мы узнаем о мире, известных людей и или последние новости.но телевизор имеет много недостатков. это занимает много времени, и это делает нас ленивыми. и это вредно для нашего здоровья, особенно глаза. какие-то сильные программ и фильмов делает людей агрессивными. насилие становится жизненно важной проблемы. там слишком много рекламы на тв. иногда это может побудить нас покупать то, что нам не нужна вообще. смотреть телевизор занимает большую часть свободного времени почти всех людей. мы просто смотреть на это, мы не сосредоточиться, и, наконец, мы теряем время.на мой взгляд, людям нужно что-то вроде информационного центра. как для меня, я смотрю телевизор примерно один час в день. я слежу за этим, когда я хочу, чтобы узнать новости или отдохнуть и развлечь себя. люди в телевизор, но он не может быть самым главным в их жизни. это интересно, но не это главное в нашей жизни.я не знаю, что мы должны сделать, чтобы телевизор лучше. я думаю, что мы ничего не можем сделать. мы просто не должны сидеть час за часом, смотреть телевизор. я думаю, что мы должны смотреть только самые важные и интересные вещи. потому что, если мы видим все, мы вскоре сойти с ума.
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13.12.2020 13:29
In my opinion, it is quite difficult to find a job for me and other young people of my age. Unfortunately the legislation states that we are not yet of age to get a paid job. However, if you are a hard-working energetic type, and you can dedicate your time to go out there and ask people for work, you might be lucky. Many of my friends were successful, but you need to have a certain personality to achieve results. As we are all yet unskilled workers we can do only the basic jobs, such as promotion and maybe client coordination. Before getting any part-time job you need to have a clear understanding of your abilities; you have to be careful and responsible with your job as people are going to see you as an honest and reliable person, which means you can't say you'll do it and then disappepear due to the change of plans. If you're trying to get a position that involves speaking to clients, you need to be friendly, patient and polite; the communcative approach is very important there. In fact, you need to show a certain level of intelligence as well, as usually you will be dealing with adult clientelle. There are plenty of websites and newspapers where you can look for job openings, but I think that the best way is to pick a company you would like to work for and ask them directly. That's what I did last summer and even though I had to wait for the answer I finally got the job assisting in the admin department. Such job won't get you a lot of money, but earning a small sum of your own is always a delight
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