School-leaving age private school school subjects school uniform school holidays primary school state school secondary school Schools in England Children in England usually start elmareschool when they're five years old. Their parents can choose between a which is free, or a which they have to pay for. At the age of eleven students start! Students have to study English, maths and science. Other include modern foreign languages history, geography, art and design technology. The is sixteen, but many students continue for two extra years and take "A-levels' belore they go to university, The school year starts in September and the main are at Christmas Easter and in the summer lot of schools have a but some chools allow students to wear their own clothes
Никогда ещё в мировой истории бизнесмены не путешествовали столько, сколько в наши дни. И это не удивительно, потому что мы живем в мире международной торговли, развивающейся экономики и технического сотрудничества. Рабочие из разных стран отправляются в бизнес поездки по многим причинам: заключать контракты, обсуждать разные условия доставки, оплаты грузов, проводить тесты, консультировать, улучшать профессиональные навыки, работать и тд. Бизнес поездки расширению бизнес отношений компании и преуспеть на международном рынке.
Компании могут устроить такие поездки внутри и за границами страны.
If someone is late, we will not wait, everyone should come on time. 2. I see nothing here.
3. Everyone is fast asleep as soon as they get to the bed.
4. Tell us something interesting, ok? 5. Let's go to the store. I need to buy something for dinner
6. Someone is waiting for you in your room. 7. Ask him, please, speak louder. We don't hear anything here either. 8. Is there anything funny in my story?
9. If you don’t start working with your mistakes now, nothing will help you later (later). 10. Has anyone invited you to this evening? 11. It is too late to do anything now. 12. This man is never afraid of anything. 13. He is now somewhere by the sea. 14. Does anyone else want (wants) to participate in the discussion?
15. Why are none of you listening? 16. No one will forget this. 17. Did not any of you know that he was coming today? 18. I found someone's pen. 19. Did they all speak at the meeting? - No, there was not enough time for everyone. 20. Everything was done to save the life of this person.
Компании могут устроить такие поездки внутри и за границами страны.
на большее меня не хватило
If someone is late, we will not wait, everyone should come on time. 2. I see nothing here.
3. Everyone is fast asleep as soon as they get to the bed.
4. Tell us something interesting, ok? 5. Let's go to the store. I need to buy something for dinner
6. Someone is waiting for you in your room. 7. Ask him, please, speak louder. We don't hear anything here either. 8. Is there anything funny in my story?
9. If you don’t start working with your mistakes now, nothing will help you later (later). 10. Has anyone invited you to this evening? 11. It is too late to do anything now. 12. This man is never afraid of anything. 13. He is now somewhere by the sea. 14. Does anyone else want (wants) to participate in the discussion?
15. Why are none of you listening? 16. No one will forget this. 17. Did not any of you know that he was coming today? 18. I found someone's pen. 19. Did they all speak at the meeting? - No, there was not enough time for everyone. 20. Everything was done to save the life of this person.