Христофор Колумб родился осенью 1451 года в Генуе, по происхождению генуэзец. Он был выше среднего роста, крепкого и ладного телосложения. Рыжеватые в юности волосы рано поседели, отчего он выглядел старше своих лет. На продолговатом морщинистом и обветренном лице с бородкой выделялись живые голубые глаза и орлиный нос. Его отличали вера в божественное провидение и предзнаменования, и в то же время редкостная практичность, болезненное самолюбие и подозрительность, страсть к золоту. Он обладал острым умом, даром убеждения и разносторонними познаниями. Х. Колумб был дважды женат и имел от этих браков двоих сыновей.
1. Leonardo da Vinci had been inventing and painting for the King of Francebefore he died in 1519. 2. Wolhelm Roentgen had been experimenting with electricitywhen he discovered x-rays. 3. Ancient Greek scientist Archimedeshad been working on Math problems when when he discovered solution in bath. 4. Before Russia chemist Dimitri Mendeleev became famous around the world he had been working as a university professor for some years. 5. Albert Einstein had been going to school in Munich for three months before he moved to Italy.
2. Wolhelm Roentgen had been experimenting with electricitywhen he discovered x-rays.
3. Ancient Greek scientist Archimedeshad been working on Math problems when when he discovered solution in bath.
4. Before Russia chemist Dimitri Mendeleev became famous around the world he had been working as a university professor for some years.
5. Albert Einstein had been going to school in Munich for three months before he moved to Italy.