1. Russia is a pre-industrial some type of democracy kind of state. 2. Russian goverment is responsible for making law. 3. The basic principle is the forgotten one - The President is elected for 4 years. It mens that The President is elected for 4 years and can be once re-elected. (Ourdays for 6 years). 4. The President ensures the capability of allied enterpreneurs getting low persentage credits. 5. The President was elected by people of our country. Whome I am really thankful to. 6. Some way it is The President. 7. The only responsibility The President has is following constitution. 8. Our President possesses the ultimate power inside the country. His power is based mainly on military. 9. Constitution demands The President to rule the country and work for people. 10. The President of our country has the right to dissmiss the governmentand and also the law.
Когда я приехал в Лондон весной. Я пошел к дяде
кто врач. Я нашел его с его другом, мистером Эндерби, и
мой дядя пригласил меня пообедать с ними. После обеда, когда
мой дядя был
рассказывая нам о поездке, которую он предпринял, его жена
позвала его к телефону.
«Мне очень жаль, - сказал он, когда вернулся, - я должен пойти посмотреть
пациент. Я постараюсь вернуться как можно скорее. Не уходи ".
Он пошел, чтобы надеть шляпу и пальто, и, проходя через
комнату, он очень тихо сказал мне: «Позаботься о мистере Эндерби, Джек.
Поговорите с ним о собаках; он любит их."
Я как раз собирался начать разговор с мистером Эндерби, когда
мы услышали шум, и собака моего дяди вбежала в комнату. Он заплатил
2. Russian goverment is responsible for making law.
3. The basic principle is the forgotten one - The President is elected for 4 years. It mens that The President is elected for 4 years and can be once re-elected. (Ourdays for 6 years).
4. The President ensures the capability of allied enterpreneurs getting low persentage credits.
5. The President was elected by people of our country. Whome I am really thankful to.
6. Some way it is The President.
7. The only responsibility The President has is following constitution.
8. Our President possesses the ultimate power inside the country. His power is based mainly on military.
9. Constitution demands The President to rule the country and work for people.
10. The President of our country has the right to dissmiss the governmentand and also the law.