, там где точки дополнить предложение 1.MATHS classes usually last TWO HOURS.
1) two hours?
2) - Two hours.
3) two hours? - Maths classes do.
2.THEIR group will take part in A NEW PROJECT.
1) in a new project?
2) ? - A new project.
3) in a new project? - Their group will.
1) in London last week?
2) last week? - In London.
3) in London? - Last week.
4) in London last week? - Jack and Arthur were.
4.MR. THOMPSON taught PHYSICS at LONDON university.
1) physics at London university?
2) at London university? - Physics.
3) physics? - At London university.
4) physics at London university? - Mr. Thompson did.
1He said that they lived in Oxford
2 The young scientist said that when the world run out of iron we would mine the Moon
3 He said that the meachanical clock in Salisbary Cathedra had been working since 1386 and It was oldest working clock
4 He said that we will have the steak for dinner
5 He said that we will go for a walk
6 He asked her did she know where he put his umbrella
7 She asked her sister will go with her
8 His mother told to him will go to his room and do his home work
9He said that he should answer all my questions
10 the little boy asked his parents that what they had bought to him for Christmas
на английском:
The recipe of sandwiches with sprats: Roast toasts, rub them on the one hand with garlic and smear with butter, put on a carcass of a small fish, a circle of the egg welded вкрутую, a segment of a cucumber or a tomato and a branch of parsley.
Sandwiches with sprats are ready.
на русском:
Рецепт бутербродов со шпротами : Поджарьте гренки, натрите их с одной стороны чесноком и намажьте сливочным маслом, положите по тушке рыбки, кружочек яйца, сваренного вкрутую, дольку огурца или помидора и веточку петрушки.
Бутерброды со шпротами готовы.