Terminal design and airport capacity
1. the number of levels (floors) for processing passengers and baggage in a terminal building depends on the volume of traffic to be handled. for small volumes of traffic the one-level-operation terminal building has been designed. here the processing of passengers and baggage takes place at the same level as the apron, and the entire lay-out is quite simple.
2. two-level-operation terminals have been designed and are being built at high-traffic volume airports. in this type of operation the arriving and departing passengers are separated. the departing passengers are usually processed on the upper level, and the arriving passengers - on the lower level. the fingers leading to the aircraft are also above the level of the apron. the principal advantage of this system is that the congestion in the flow of passengers and baggage can be reduced considerably.
3. the configuration of runways, the main and exit taxiways is an important element which influences the capacity of an airport. exit taxiways are quite important for clearing landing aircraft from runway rapidly. lack of space for loading and unloading in the terminal area will result in delays, and the number of operations an airport can handle in a peak period will be limited. weather conditions have a profound effect on airport capacity as well. the capacity of an airport during poor visibility conditions is usually less than in good visibility conditions.
i. знайдіть у тексті та випишіть еквіваленти наступних слів та словосполучень: поверх, дворівневий, обсяг перевезень, приміщення аеровокзалу, конструкція аеропорту, обробка багажу, обслуговування пасажирів, план-схема, перон, пропускна спроможність, злітно-посадкова смуга, рульова доріжка, розвантаження, затримка, погана видимість, погодні умови, накопичення (пасажиропотоку, вантажопотоку)
найдите в тексте и выпишите эквиваленты, следующих слов и словосочетаний: этаж, двухуровневый, объем перевозок, здание аэровокзала, конструкция аэропорта, обработка багажа, обслуживание пассажиров, план-схема, перрон, пропускная взлетно-посадочная полоса, разгрузка, задержка, плохая видимость, скопление (пассажиропотока, грузопотока).
ii. перекладіть письмово абзац 2. переведите письменно абзац 2.
iii. випишіть з тексту всі часові форми дієслова у пасивному стані та дайте їхні граматичні назви.
выпишите из текста все временные формы глагола в страдательном залоге и дайте их грамматические названия.
iv. поставте 5 питань до абзацу 3 та запишіть їх. поставьте 5 вопросов к абзацу 3 и запишите их.
v. дайте письмові відповіді на питання. письменно ответьте на вопросы:
1. what does the number of terminal building levels depend on?
2. where are departing passengers usually processed? why?
Someone said, “The most important thing in the world is family and love.” I think that a lot of people agree with this statement.
My family consists of four people: my lovely father, mother, elder brother and me.
My father’s name is Vladimir. He had been working as a deputy manager in the mining company, before he was pensioned off. Now he is 62 and takes care of my mother and our household. By the way, he had started cooking really great dishes after he retired, it's his favorite hobby.
My mother’s name is Olga. She is an IT manager in the treasure house. She has been working with computers for as long as I remember. I think she enjoys tinkering with them and making some changes in the software. She is 58, but still looks as if she's 48. Amazing!
My parents are kind but rather strict in educating their children and grandchildren. They always give me and my brother some good advice on how to live and share their life experience with us.
My elder brother works as a lawyer. His name is Denis. Now he lives with his own family in another country and I terribly miss our get-together time. He is quite handsome man with dark brown hair which has just started to go gray. Thank goodness, my sister-in-law is not a jealous woman. He is sincere and reliable. I can rely on him in any difficult situation. Also he is a 2–year–old girl proud father. Her name is Elizabeth, and she behaves like a real queen. She always demands attention of her parents and likes to boss around a little bit.
I can say that we’re a very amiable family. My parents understand us at first glance, and we help each other without further ado.
Объяснение: Думаю подойдет)
1. Ukraine is situated in the centre of Europe. 2. It borders on Russia, Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Belarus. 3. It is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. 4. Yes, there are mountains in Ukraine. They are situated in the west of Ukraine ( the Carpathian Mountains) and in the south (the Crimean Mountains). 5. Yes, there are over 131 rivers in Ukraine. They are the Dnipro, the Dniester, the Danube, the Southern Buh, the Siversky Donests and the Tysa. 6. The landscape from west to east of the country is changing in the following way: the highest peak 2061 m in the west ant there are flat summits and gentle slopes there. 7. The climate in Ukraine is different in various parts of the country. The climate is mostly moderately continental.