ответ: 2) «Barchester Towers» by Entoni Trollope. 3) «A men without Internals» by Robert Musil. 4) «The Girls of Slender Means» by Muriel Spark. 5) «A High Wind in Jamaica» by Richard Hughes. 6) «The Origin of the Brunists» by Robert Coover. 7) «The Sot-Weed Factor» by John Barth. 8) «The Obscene Bird of Night» by Jose Donoso. 9) «All Heads Turn When the Hunt Goes By» by John Farris. 10) «The Universal Baseball Association. Inc» by Robert Coover. 11) «Where Tigers Are at Home» by Jean-Marie Blas de Roblès. 12) «Angle of Repose» by Wallace Stegner.
2) «Barchester Towers» by Entoni Trollope.
3) «A men without Internals» by Robert Musil.
4) «The Girls of Slender Means» by Muriel Spark.
5) «A High Wind in Jamaica» by Richard Hughes.
6) «The Origin of the Brunists» by Robert Coover.
7) «The Sot-Weed Factor» by
John Barth.
8) «The Obscene Bird of Night» by Jose Donoso.
9) «All Heads Turn When the Hunt Goes By» by John Farris.
10) «The Universal Baseball Association. Inc» by Robert Coover.
11) «Where Tigers Are at Home» by Jean-Marie Blas de Roblès.
12) «Angle of Repose» by Wallace Stegner.
1) 1 flower (цветок)
2 was (это форма . времени)
3 today (остальные слова используются для указание на )
4 small
3) Lena wasn't at school on the first of October.
Vitalik wasn't at school on the third of October.
Ann wasn't at school on the fifth of October.
Rita and Zina weren't at school on the eighth of October.
Sergey wasn't at school on the twelfth of October.
Alex and Bella weren't at school on the fifteenth of October.
Marina wasn't at school on the thirtieth of October.
2 немного не понял, напиши ,что именно и я исправлю.