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The earliest books were written on tablets of wood or pieces of bark. in greeceand rome, the tablets of woodwere covered with wax, and writing was impressed upon them with a small stick called “stylus”. these tablets were held together on one side with thin strips of leather or metal rings. in
assyria and babyloniaclay tablets were used for writing and the words were drawn with a piece of wood. after baking, the tablets were kept on shelves, just like books are kept today. although the clay tablets didn’t look very beautiful, they were long-lasting and some of them survived until the
present day. the earliest books of the ancient world were written on papyrus and skins of young animals. these books took the form of a long strip, rolled from one cylinder to another. these writings were known to the romans as volumen from which comes the word volume. though paper has been known
inchina since the first century, the secret of papermaking came toeurope much later.books were quite common in ancientrome: we know that there were many booksellers and the first public library was founded there about 39 b. c. only the rich could buy books or make their slaves copy books from
important libraries. by the time of the middle ages all books were handwriting and often beautifully decorated. libraries used to chain books to the shelves so that they could not be removed from the building. but very few people could read them. the invention of printing was a really great event in
history. the first people to invent printing were the chinese. ineuropethere were several people who can be called inventors of printing. the best-known is johann gutenberg fromgermany.printing spread quickly over europeand by the end of the 15th century there were more than 200 presses. the early
printers were not only craftsmen, but also editors, publishers and booksellers. the first printing press inengland was set up by william caxton atwestminster in 1476, and the first printing press inrussia – by ivan fedorov inmoscow in 1564. printed books soon reached a very high standard and the
craftsmen were rightfully proud of their work. eventually there were more and more people ineurope who could read and they wanted more and more books. that led to opening more libraries.early libraries were used only by scientists and were few. by end by they grew in number and began to be used by
the public. the 19th century saw the appearance of a proper system of public libraries. now most countries have their own national libraries. many old university libraries have rich collections of books: oxford and cambridge in england, harvard and yale in the united states. among the great
libraries of the world we can name the british museum library (the british library) in london, the library of congress in the united states, bibliotheque nationale in france, the beijing library in china , the state public library in moscow. the world’s largest is the us library of congress. it
holds about 90 million items – books and manuscripts. the library was founded in 1800 in washington, dc for the use of congress and later became a public library. bibliotheque nationale dates back to the 17th century and the british museum library was set in the 18th century. the state public
library inmoscow was founded in 1862 and has unique collections of books.modern libraries do their best to help people get information as quickly as possible. they use computers and electronic catalogues. probably the most difficult problem for any library is to keep their books, journals and films.
how they do it is a new story. сделать из этого"тему" (15 предложений+-1-2)

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14.04.2021 07:42
1. He (did not  waste) time with foolish questions like why, when and where. He did as he was told.
2. Always a punctual woman, she (comes) downstairs as the front door (is being opened) for Charles.
3. Some kind of public demonstration (is being planned) to take place at the airport tonight.
4. The flight (had not been announced) yet. It (would not be announced) for another half-hour, at least.
5. The message, as Tanya (was dictating) it, (was being typed) by a girl clerk in New York.
6. She could tell by the inclination of his head that he (had been listening) intently to everything that (had been said).
7. It (is) an old house that (is divided) into flats.
8. Julia can’t know what (is being said) about her, and someone must tell her.
9. Each apartment was usually ( shared) by two or three girls. They (were known) as stewardess’ nests.
10. Inez (occupied) a chair in the room’s centre to which she (had been/was guided) on arrival.
11. He ( saw) that the doors of Trans America Flight Two (had not been closed) yet, and a few remaining passengers were still ( checking) in.
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16.06.2022 16:38
The United States of America is a very diverse country. Its nature, climate, population varies from the East Coast to the west, from the northern border to the southern.Climate is mostly temperate, but tropical in Hawaii and Florida, arctic in Alaska, semiarid in the Great Plains west of the Mississippi River, and arid in the southwest.Natural resources include coal, copper, lead, molybdenum, phosphates, uranium, bauxite, gold, iron, mercury, nickel, silver, tungsten, zinc, petroleum, natural gas, and timber.Natural hazards are a great deal of problems for the USA. Every year, they loose hundred millions of dollars, because of natural hazards. The USA is famous for hurricanes along the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico coasts and tornadoes in the Midwest and southeast; mud slides in California; forest fires in the west; flooding.Sometimes there are tsunamis, volcanoes and earthquakes happen. Earthquakes are very often in California.Talking about environment, one should add that air pollution results in acid rains in both the US and Canada. The US is the largest single emitter of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels.Water pollution from runoff of pesticides and fertilizers takes place here.Climate and Natural Resources.
Климат и природные ресурсы.
Соединенные Штаты — это страна контрастов. Природа, климат, население страны изменяются с восточного побережья на западное, с северной границы на южную.Климат на большей части умеренный, тропический на Гавайях и в штате Флорида, арктический на Аляске, полузасушливый на великих западных равнинах реки Миссисипи и полупустынный на юго-западе.Природные ресурсы включают: уголь, медь, свинец, молибден, фосфаты, уран, бокситы, золото, железо, ртуть, никель, серебро, вольфрам, цинк, нефть, природный газ и древесину.Природные катаклизмы представляют огромную проблему для США. Каждый год страна теряет сотни миллионов долларов из-за природных катаклизмов. США известны своими ураганами вдоль атлантического побережья и побережья Мексиканского залива, торнадо на среднем западе и юго-востоке, грязевыми оползнями в Калифорнии, лесными пожарами на западе, наводнениями.Иногда наблюдаются цунами, вулканы и землетрясения. Очень часты землетрясения в Калифорнии.Говоря об окружающей среде, необходимо добавить, что загрязнение воздуха выливается в кислотные дожди как в США, так и в Канаде. США — самый крупный «производитель» двуокиси углерода от сжигания ископаемого топлива.Имеет место и загрязнение воды из-за сброса пестицидов и удобрений.
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