УРОК ВИДЕОКОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ Открыть чат Drama х Tragedy C Comedy Задание No 1 Task 2. Choose the right variant: : Literature written in order to be performed is ... Назад В Проверить
It happened yesterday. A man was walking his dog. Suddenly it has stopped near the underground sewer cover and did not want to move. The man came up and heard the child's voice / He called someone to help. The man opened the cover and the boy about 7 years old was saved.
Film wins the Prize
The film written and directed by John Petrov won the Grand Prize. This is a new verson of Alisa in Wonderland. The film was made specially for his daughter.
A gardener grows unusual cactus
The young gardener Mikle Smith grew a new sort of cactus. It is not afraid of frosts ! Mikle called it Winter cactus!)
1) We congratulate Form 8-A on winning the school football competition
(Поздравляем 8-А класс с победой в школьных соревнованиях по футболу)
2) Our schoolchildren help the local society for protection of birds
( Наши школьники местному обществу по охране птиц)
3) Our school introduces a ban on mobile phone use in class
(Школа вводит запрет на использование мобильных телефонов в классах)
4) School psychologist tells about stress and how to manage it
(Школьный психолог рассказывает о стрессе и о том, как с ним справиться)
5) School office reminds of waste paper collection
(Администрация школы напоминает о сборе макулатуры)
Dog saves a kid
It happened yesterday. A man was walking his dog. Suddenly it has stopped near the underground sewer cover and did not want to move. The man came up and heard the child's voice / He called someone to help. The man opened the cover and the boy about 7 years old was saved.
Film wins the Prize
The film written and directed by John Petrov won the Grand Prize. This is a new verson of Alisa in Wonderland. The film was made specially for his daughter.
A gardener grows unusual cactus
The young gardener Mikle Smith grew a new sort of cactus. It is not afraid of frosts ! Mikle called it Winter cactus!)