Use Thomas's thoughts to write conditionals as in the example,then state the types of conditionals( real present,unreal present,unreal past). 1)I'll make a hut. I don't want to sleep under the trees. 2) I'll don't have a bottle.I can't send a message. 3) I didn't save the radio transmitter. I didn't call for help. 4) There are too many sharks and I can not escape. 5) I have no company.I feel lonely. 6) I'll make an axe.Then I may be able to make a raft. 7) I lost my knife in the water.I didn't cut any branches down. 8) Please let someone find me,or I die on this island.
2. Modern equipment is being constantly produced by this firm. Современное оборудование постоянно выпускается этой компанией
3. Summer air conditioning is used by people in stores. Летние кондиционирование воздуха используются людьми в магазинах (на складах)
4. Many air conditioning systems were built and modernized by them.
Много систем охлаждения (кондиционирования) воздуха было построено и модернизировано ими.