В. Послушай и произнеси слоги с краткими долгими гласными. Обведи скобки транскрипции.
[ki] - [ki:]
| bn] — [ba:
[tu] — [tu: |
[bi] - [bi:]
| ko) — [ka: | [bou] — [bu:
[ti] — [ti:
| hp) — ha: | | ko] — [ku:|
[hi] — [hi:] [д] — [ді:
[Өт] — [Өi:]
С. Раскрась на с. 102 рабочей тетради шари
со звуками [1], [a], [z] и [u] в нужные цвета.
правый верхний угол
Hello to Lena,
How do you? How is your health? I am fine. Recently, the cat gave birth to 4 kittens. They are very beautiful and playful. I really love animals, and cats especially. Do you like cats? I think so, because you, I know, have a dog Jack. At school, we experienced a change. Build a new gym and pool. Workers work all day. And how do you learn? Probably on one 5? Study is difficult, but everything is within our power. Write to me more often!
The main alley of the park along the perimeter is dotted with a lot of fountains, as well as snow-white sculptures in the style of socialist realism - the figures reflect the working class of Soviet times.
In the park of culture and recreation in Volzhsky also there are variety platforms, on which annual festive events and performances take place. Two years ago on the main avenue of the park was installed a real chess board with figures in an increased size - periodically in the park there are chess tournaments among tourists. The symbol of the park of culture and rest in the city of Volzhsky was a rotunda - a round gazebo in antique style, framed on the perimeter by columns and crowned with a dome. Another notable object recently became the protein Dasha, living in an aviary near the administrative building of the park.