Вопрос1:Общаться нужно аккуратно,ведь если быть не аккуратным,можно и потерять друга.Во 1) нужно быть вежливым 2) не перебивать 3 слушать друг-друга. Вопрос 2: Жить дольше других это очень рисковое дело.Конечно,в долгой жизни есть и плюсы,но есть и минусы.Тебе просто будет скучно жить.Ты будешь ходить на похороны своих родственников,что,думаю,не лучший вариант событий. Вопрос 3: Фильмы бывают разные,с них всегда подростки могут брать пример.Если это боевик,ужасы,подромток может стать и убийцей,ведь подросток-это еще несфомировавшееся тело,которое еще ростет
1. To undergo extreme makeover means to have plastic surgery and change exercise regimens, hairdressing and wardrobing. I think people do it or want to do it because they believe this kind of change will make them more beautiful and successful. But I believe there is something wrong with it. Being "beautiful" isn't enough to be successful. We should be more concerned about our character, values and manners rather than appearance.
2. Happiness is being able to wake up every morning feeling healthy and full of energy, it is having family and good friends and knowing how to deal with everyday stress. Happiness is also ability to love others and being loved.
3. I don't think there's a unique recipe or formula for happiness. In my opinion, in order to be happy people should smile more, get plenty of sleep and physical exercise, be able to enjoy their legitimate rights and do what they love.
4. My idea is that it hasn't changed very much if we talk about personal happiness. For most people happiness was and is associated with living in peace and earning enough money to buy food and clothes and pay their bills.
Perhaps now people's life has become a bit easier and more comfortable than ten years ago, that is why we think more about family and leisure time.
Вопрос 2: Жить дольше других это очень рисковое дело.Конечно,в долгой жизни есть и плюсы,но есть и минусы.Тебе просто будет скучно жить.Ты будешь ходить на похороны своих родственников,что,думаю,не лучший вариант событий.
Вопрос 3:
Фильмы бывают разные,с них всегда подростки могут брать пример.Если это боевик,ужасы,подромток может стать и убийцей,ведь подросток-это еще несфомировавшееся тело,которое еще ростет
1. To undergo extreme makeover means to have plastic surgery and change exercise regimens, hairdressing and wardrobing. I think people do it or want to do it because they believe this kind of change will make them more beautiful and successful. But I believe there is something wrong with it. Being "beautiful" isn't enough to be successful. We should be more concerned about our character, values and manners rather than appearance.
2. Happiness is being able to wake up every morning feeling healthy and full of energy, it is having family and good friends and knowing how to deal with everyday stress. Happiness is also ability to love others and being loved.
3. I don't think there's a unique recipe or formula for happiness. In my opinion, in order to be happy people should smile more, get plenty of sleep and physical exercise, be able to enjoy their legitimate rights and do what they love.
4. My idea is that it hasn't changed very much if we talk about personal happiness. For most people happiness was and is associated with living in peace and earning enough money to buy food and clothes and pay their bills.
Perhaps now people's life has become a bit easier and more comfortable than ten years ago, that is why we think more about family and leisure time.