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30.06.2022 06:21 •  Английский язык

Выпишите из текста 2 предложения, содержащие сказуемое в пассивном залоге. Подчеркните сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
The legislative branch of the federal government is represented by Con-gress. There are two houses of Congress: the Senate and the House of Repre-sentatives. The Senate is composed of 100 voting members, two from each of the 50 states. They are elected for a six-year term and the number of their terms is unlimited. The House of Repre¬sentatives has 435 voting members in addition to two representatives from Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia who are not entitled to vote. The members of the House are called representatives or Congressmen (or congresswomen). They are elected for a two-year term.
Many members of the Congress are regularly re-elected, and so some of them serve for over 20 years.
The number of representatives from each state depends on the state population. Every ten years the U.S. Census reports the distribution of the population throughout the entire country. The congressional seats are then re-distributed accordingly. California claims the largest delegation. New York ranks second. Alaska, Nevada, and some others have only one representative.
Within Congress there exist party leaders who are selected by congres-sional party caucuses (party meetings).
Either house – the Senate or the House of Representatives may offer a bill (but only the House proposes finance bills). All bills are immediately referred to a legislative committee. These committees are organized by special areas such as education, agriculture, and foreign affairs. Each committee is made up of representatives of both parties and each committee has its own staff.
The committee responsible for a particular bill holds hearings on it. Ex-perts appear before the committee and offer suggestions and opinions about the bill. After the hearings, the committee reports its recommendations to the House. These recommendations may include suggested changes in the bill, or the committee may propose an entirely new one. Committee recommendations are of great importance because, when the legislators vote on a bill, they usually follow the committee report. If a committee chooses not to consider the bill, the bill dies. It is nearly impossible for a bill to reach the House or Senate floor without first winning committee approval.
Following the committee action the bill is debated on the floor of each house. Then the vote is taken. A voice vote, the most common and the quickest, involves a general chorus or Yeas or Nays. The chairperson decides which side has the majority. In a roll-call vote each vote is recorded separately. If a bill is defeated in either house, it dies. If the House of Representatives and the Senate approve similar bills with some different provisions, both bills go to a conference committee, in which selected legislators work to adjust the differences.
The bill becomes law following one or several steps by the president. He may approve the bill and sign it; he may sign the bill with a statement express-ing his disapproval; or he may simply not sign the bill, in which case it auto-matically becomes law after ten days. But if the president wants to prevent the bill from becoming law, he vetoes it. But the proposal may still become law if two thirds of each house of Congress then vote for it, thus overriding, or defeating the president’s veto. This does not happen often. The president may also use the «pocket veto» by withholding his signature within ten days of congressional adjournment.

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11.07.2022 21:50
My favourite school day is Friday.I like this day because this is the last working day before the weekend and on this day we have my favourite subjects: Maths, Physical Training (P.T.), English, I.T. (Information Technology) and Drawing. On this day we have got 5 lessons and I finish my school day at 13.15! That's why I love Fridays!
Перевод: Мой любимый школьный день это пятница.Мне нравится этот день потому что это последний рабочий день перед выходными, и в этот день у нас мои любимые предметы:  математика, физкультура, английский, информатика и рисование.
В этот день у меня 5 уроков и я заканчиваю школу в 13.15! Вот почему я люблю пятницы!
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17.02.2021 18:15
Национальный флаг Англии представляет собой белое полотнище с красным прямым крестом Святого Георгия, который считается небесным покровителем англичан. Официальные пропорции флага — 3:5, ширина линий красного креста составляет 1\5 от ширины полотна. Первое упоминание флага Англии с Георгиевским крестом относится к 1545 году.Крест Святого Георгия является одной из первых известных эмблем Англии. Он стал английским символом в Средневековье, во время Крестовых походов.Святой Георгий стал покровителем Англии в ХІІІ веке. Существует теория, что Крест стал использоваться, как национальная эмблема (но не флаг), в ходе Уэльской войны 1275 года.Есть мнение, что Крест был принят Англией для наделения флота особой символикой. Английский монарх Ричард Львиное Сердце изначально выбрал в качестве покровителя Святого Георгия. Потом английские суда поднимали белый флаг с красным крестом, чтобы извлечь выгоду определённую: когда-то Крест был символом Генуи, и Англия таким образом подпадала под протекторат мощного флота.

The national flag of England is a white flag with a red direct cross of St. George, considered the patron Saint of the English. The official proportions of the flag is 3:5, the width of the lines of the red cross is 1\5 of the width of the canvas. The first mention of the flag of England with the George cross refers to 1545.The cross of St. George is one of the earliest known emblems of England. He became a British symbol in the middle Ages, during the Crusades.
Saint George became the patron Saint of England in the THIRTEENTH century. There is a theory that the Cross was used as the national emblem (but not the flag), during the Welsh war of 1275.
It is believed that the Cross was adopted by England to grant the Navy special symbols. English monarch Richard the lion Heart originally chose as patron St. George. Then the English court raised the white flag with the red cross, to benefit certain: once the cross was the symbol of Genoa, and England thus fell under the protectorate of a powerful fleet.
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