Выразите несогласие со следующими высказываниями и подтвердите свою точку зрения фактами из текста. Используйте предлагаемые разговорные формулы:
I don't think so; on the contrary; to my mind; in my opinion; as far as I know; as is known; in fact
1. The task of the Moscow Mining Academy was to train mining specialists only.
2.The Academy established contacts with representatives of all branches of industries.
3.There were five departments in the Academy.
4.There were only Russian books in the library of the Academy.
5.The rapid growth of the mining industry led to the establishment of new higher schools.
6.These scientists wrote the first textbook on machinery.
7.There were only a few higher educational establishments which trained geologists and mining engineers.
8.New collieries and open-cast mines appeared in different parts of the country.
2)Jenny and John married last week.-Дженни и Джон поженились на неделе.
3)Our class visited museum last year.-В году наш класс посетил музей.
4)Today in the morning I didn't want go to school,but my mum caused me.-Сегодня утром я не хотел пойти в школу,но моя мама заставила.
5)"You passed exams very bad"-said our teacher.-Наш учитель сказал что мы очень плохо сдали экзамены.
6)We was happy when we saw that Leonardi Di Caprio got an oscar.-Мы были очень рады конда услышали ято Леонардо Ди Каприо получил Оскар.)))
Sally was reading a book when the doorbell rang. – Сэлли читала книгу, когда в зазвонил звонок.
The children were playing football all day long in the yard. – Дети весь день играли в футбол во дворе.
Between 2 and 3 p.m. o’clock Emily was cooking a dinner. – Между 2 и 3 часами дня Эмили готовила обед.
I was watching TV while he was doing his homework. – Я смотрела телевизор пока он делал домашнее задание.
They were walking along the seaside from 8 to 10 yesterday. – Они гуляли по набережной с 8 до 10 часов вчера.
We were drinking some coffee when boss called for us. – Мы пили кофе когда начальник позвал нас.